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Species: Protean
Home Planet: Nathas I

The Proteans (also sometimes called Protreans) were sentient beings indigenous to Nathas I which was located within the Questal Sector. Their natural states resembled man-sized gelatinous blobs made up of protoplasmic clay. Using this protoplasmic form, they would consume food by absorption. A further advantage they gained from their evolution was the ability to change their shape and mold it into other forms. They would even be able to change their coloration allowing them to hide and capture prey.

The species tended to have low intelligence though were quite capable of understanding basic commands. In Protean society it seemed that groups would consist of five to ten individuals. Reproduction was made by two members of the species merging with one another. Once done, they form a stone-like cocoon shaped as a ball and would remain as so for a standard year. At which time the cocoon would crack and the 'parents' would emerge with their child.

Attribute Dice: 13D

Special Skills:
Shape-Shifting (A): Time to use: Varies, depending on the shape; generally 1-10 minutes. This is an advanced skill (A). The Protean can assume complex shapes. Simple geometric shapes, like cubes or spheres, are Very Easy to replicate. A basic humanoid form is Difficult to replicate, additional details add more modifiers to the difficulty. Proteans roll this skill when assuming the new form. They don’t have to roll to maintain the new form or to resume their normal state.

Special Abilities:
Chemical and Tactile Communication:Although they can vocalize, Proteans communicate through touch and chemical exchange. They cannot communicate to non-Proteans.

Shape-Shifting: A Protean can alter its shape. It cannot alter its mass. It can reform its shape to fit into a space as small as 30 centimeters wide. It can mimic most rocky materials. A shape-shifter that performs an Easy shape-shifting can produce a weapon from its form, with added spikes,which increase brawling damage by +2D. When a Protean conceals itself as a rock-like form, passers by must make successful Perception or search rolls against the Protean’s shape-shifting to detect it. The Protean receives bonus modifiers if the searchers are unfamiliar with the nature of the Protean or the native rocks.

Story Factors:
Primitive: Beginning Protean characters cannot place any dice in Mechanical or Technical skills. They are limited in their selection of Knowledge skills as well.

Move: 9/10
Size: 80-150 kilograms in mass
Source: Alien Encounters (page 118-119) & Wookieepedia (For the Protean Description)

A favorite attack of a hungry Protean is the smother attack. The Protean typically hides as a rock form, lying in wait for unwitting prey. If a potential meal comes within reach, the Protean strikes, enveloping it. To simulate this tactic, have the Protean make a successful brawling attempt against a character’s dodge. If it succeeds, the Protean does no damage, but has trapped the prey. It then smothers the character, who must make three Difficult Strength attempts to break free. If the victim fails the three attempts, the Protean begins dealing STR damage. If the Protean is having difficulty subduing the enveloped prey, it will grow “teeth”(Easy shape-shifting roll), increasing it damage by +2D.

Note that the enveloped victim will eventually suffocate if he doesn’t break free. A difficult Strength or Dexterity is needed to draw any weapons. An Incapacitated total against the Protean forces it to release its victim.

This species is not recommended for player characters.