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Quarren Street Hustler
Equipment: Blaster, vibroblade, 500 credits standard
Background: You've been on the streets since you can remember. Never went to school; never had a job - never paid any taxes either, come to think of it. That was the life! You ran errands for the Underworld Big Fish, hustled the tourists - particularly the Mon Cals: you loved taking their money! - and, when unavoidable, did piece-work (information-selling, mainly) for the government.
Things got a whole lot less fun when the Imperials came, though. Suddenly, it became illegal to work the streets, and not having a job made you bait for any two-cred lieutenant who needed to up his arrest record for the month. You were no longer a hustler (an honorable profession, to be sure): now you were a hunted criminal. You took up the fight against the Empire not for any foolish cause: you fought them to survive.
Now that they're gone, you've tried to go back to your old way of life, but it's no the same, somehow. Though you'd never admit it, you enjoyed the struggle to drive the Empire off of your planet. You liked the danger, liked being part of something important.
As long as the war goes on, you can't be satisfied with taking money from the Calamaris. You're after bigger fish.
Personality: Bright, quick-witted, ready to take advantage of any opportunity. You're at home in the back-streets of any city in the universe. Easygoing and pliant on the surface, you're remarkably hard to push around. Getting even is second nature to you - getting ahead is first nature.
Connection With Other Characters: You might have acted as tour guide to any Offworlder visiting a Quarren city; you might have worked with a Quarren or Mon Calamari character in the Resistance to the Empire's Occupation of Calamari.
See Also:
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