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Rebel Saboteur
Equipment:Civilian dress, forged identity papers, demolition charge (12D), mouse droid (equipped with spy camera and comlink), hold-out blaster, (3D+1), 200 credits
Background: You were headed for the university when an Imperial press gang dragooned you right into the mighty Imperial Army. You developed a strong dislike for the formal, regimented lifestyle of the military, preferring the "free-wheeling" approach to life. The fact that your commanding officers often tried to purge your individualist tendencies from you didn't help: scrubbing latrines and forced marches aren't your idea of a good time.
Your instructors did teach you a good deal about demolitions and weaponry, which came in handy when you decided to desert your unit and join the Rebels. It was a while before the Alliance accepted you, but eventually you impressed them with your sincerity by sabotaging an entire row of TIE fighters parked on a spaceport landing apron.
Now you specialize in infiltrating Imperial facilities (of all sorts), and either directly sabotaging them, or recruiting others to do so for you.
Personality: Independent-minded and non-conformist, you firmly believe that one person can make a difference (or at least a really big mess).
Objectives: To take out the biggest tactical target of opportunity with the minimal amount of collateral damage.
Connection With Characters:
Source: Heroes & Rogues
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