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Red Nebula

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Red Nebula
Red Nebula
The Red Nebula comet field

Red Nebula

The Red Nebula was a nebula that had drifted away from the main body of the galaxy located in Wild Space. It contained a single inhabited planet, a multitude of stars, and a deadly meteor field. The planet boasted a race of red humanoids with pointed ears, who protected their homeworld from asteroid bombardment with mystical red jewels.

A group of exiles led by Klysk attempted to steal and destroy the jewels but were thwarted by Han Solo. The jewels were eventually stolen and the planet's cities were destroyed by Domina Tagge and a group of bounty hunters, which intended to use them as a weapon against the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Leia Organa and Lando Calrissian, however, were able to thwart Tagge's plan and avert disaster.


Located at the grid coordinates G-21, the Red Nebula appeared externally as a great scarlet void against the pitch black backdrop of space, however, internally there was no hint of the scarlet hue. A cosmic cataclysm effectively severed the nebula from the galaxy physically and culturally, sending it out into extra-galactic territory.

A highly unstable locale, the Red Nebula was home to perilous meteor fields and comets, making transit dangerous and often fatal. There was at least one inhabited planet within, home to a small sect of priests and a variety of creatures. The planet was battered and pockmarked by the meteors of the nebula, save for a lush and green small valley, preserved by the power of two Great Life Jewels. Passage to the planet was only possible by navigating the meteor fields, making access virtually impossible to all but the most skilled pilots, or those with exceptionally detailed navigation charts.


  • See Wookieepedia for full write-up


  • Wookieepedia