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Ryloth loc.jpg
Kala'uun Starport 3 ryloth.jpg

Ryloth, also known as Twi'lek, and Twi'lek Prime,was the harsh, rocky homeworld of the Twi'leks, an Outer Rim Territories world located on the Corellian Run and forming one endpoint of the Death Wind Corridor. One side of the planet perpetually faced its sun and the other remained in darkness, a phenomenon known as tidal locking. The dayside was referred to as the Bright Lands and the night-side was known as the Nightlands.

Type: Terrestrial ( 10.600 km in diameter )

Temperature: Hot ( subarctic on Nightside )

Atmosphere: Type I ( breathable )

Hydrosphere: arid ( sudden heatstorms 300 degree Celcius and up to 500 km/h )

Gravity: Standard

Terrain: Deserts, mountains, valleys, tundra, plains ( ice covered on nightside )

Length of Day: 1)

Length of Year: 305 standard days ( thats the equival of 2 Ryloth days )

Starport: Landing fields

Population: 1,5 Bio

Government: Feudal Clan based meritocracy

Planet Function: Homeworld

Sapient Species:

Non-sentient Species:Lylek,Doashim,

Major Exports: Ryll, Slaves

Major Imports: Foodstuffs,medicines, technology

Major Cities: Kala'uun and Lessu (capitals)

Region of Space: Outer Rim

Sector: Gaulus ( near Arkanis Sector and Tatooine )

Starsystem: Ryloth

Moons: 5


1) A tidal locked planet does not rotate in raltion to it's sun, so day and night are not a question of time, but of location. But the Ryloth story arc in the first season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars instead shows day and night on the planet, as well as a mention of its "planetary rotation." The Length of Day in this case would be 30 standard hours. This was later confirmed as a retcon rather than an error in The Essential Atlas, although the planet was still mentioned to have harsh environmental conditions.