Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))
Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery
Craft: Rothana Engineering Self Propelled Heavy Artillery-Turbolaser
Type: Heavy artillery walker
Scale: Walker
Length: 34 meters
Skill: Walker operation: SPHA-T
Crew: 5, gunners: 10
Passengers: 20 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 500 kilograms
Consumables1 week
Cover: Full
Maneuverability: 0D
Move: 12; 35 kmh
Body Strength: 3D
Shields: 1D
- Heavy Turbolaser Cannon
- Fire Arc: Front
Crew: 10
Skill: Vehicle weapons
Fire Control: 1D
Range: 100-400/2/4 Km
Damage: 6D
- 12 Blaster Cannons (fire separately)
- Fire Arc: 2 front, 2 rear, 5 right, 5 left
Scale: Character
Crew: 1
Skill: Vehicle blasters
Fire Control: 1D
Range: 10-50/250/500 m
Damage: 6D
Description: SPHA's had 12 legs. Unlike smaller walkers, such as the AT-TE, SPHA units were unable to be carried into battle by LAAT/c gunships because of their large size and weight. Instead, they were deployed directly from landed Acclamator-class assault ships, which could carry 36 of the artillery platforms.
In battle, SPHA walkers usually received orders from ground-based command posts, which provided a less isolated and more in-touch view of the battlefield than the towering walkers. In addition, SPHA units had a complement of 30 clone troopers, which could be deployed rapidly via a dorsal troop deployment hatch. In seconds, the soldiers could disembark the vehicle and secure the area immediately around the walker, providing protection from enemy infantry and other light units.