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Seoul 5

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Seoul 5

Type: Terrestrial

Temperature: Temperate

Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)

Hydrosphere: ?

Gravity: Standard

Terrain: ?

Length of Day:  ? Standard Hours

Length of Year:  ? Local Days

Physical Diameter:  ? km

Sapient Species: Human - Seoularian

Starport: ?

Points of Interest: Onrai square

Population: ?

Planet Function: ?

Official language: Seoularian (Human)

Government:  ?

Major Cities: ?

Tech Level: Space

Major Exports: ?

Major Imports: ?

Affiliation: Infinite Empire & Seoularian space

System: Seoul system

Sun: 1

Moons: 0

Sector: None Listed

Region of Space: Wild Space

Seoul 5 was once home to an ancient pre-Republic Human civilization.

The planet was initially conquered by the Rakata during the height of their empire. It is possible they brought Human slaves to this world.

Archaeologists Dr. Xathan and Fem Nu-Ar studied the ruins of Seoul 5. According to Seoulian legend, all Human life originated on a mysterious planet the Seoulians called "Notron."

The Empire established a base on the planet, which was destroyed by Han Solo. In attempt to stop the Empire's project, Han had to destroy most of the planet with the base. Ultimately, the last home to the Seoularians was devastated.


  • Wookieepedia