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Control: Enhance Attribute Sense: Life Detection Control, Sense and Alter: Affect Mind |
Equipment: Lightsaber (4D), auto-caster (3D, ammo 20), code slicer, fibra-rope, gyro-grappler, PTP link, med-aid, infra-goggles, stow bag.
Background: The Jedi Shadows are a secretive band of Jedi Knights who devote most of their time to gathering information on the activities of those who ascribe themselves to the dark side of the Force, most notbly the Sith. Often these Jedi must steal into the heart of enemy territory under cover of darkness or disguise. Though most operations last barely a few hours, some may run a week or more, as the Jed gets nearer to the leaders of the dark-side organization.
You were selected for membership in the Shadows, but were at first trepidatious about such duty. After learning of the returning darkness, however, you eagerly accepted the charge set before you.
Personality: Though many call you aloof, if not apathetic, you have an unquenchable desire to hunt down the dark side at every opportunity. Your work has made you somewhat suspicious of others, however, since you have discovered the dark side in places you never would have dreamed, even in the midst of the Jedi Knights.
Objectives: To track down as many dark-side devotees as you can.
Source: Tales of Jedi Companion
NOTE: This template refers to a timeline thousands of years before the Battle of Yavin
See Also