Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))
Ship’s Gunner
None. |
Equipment: blaster pistol (4D), force pike (STR+2D) with starfighter kills notched into shaft, headset comlink, medpac, 500 credits.
Background: You have had some military experience - mostly with blaster artillery and vehicle-mounted weapons - but the ordered, restricted martial life was not for you. Authority was always to be challenged and rules were meant to be broken. So you left.
You soon discovered the free-trader's world: small, sleek ships blasting through Imperial pickets and fending off bounty hunters, pirates and crime lords. Most vessels even had gunnery emplacements where you could prove your worth. With your military experience, you quickly became an ace shot with a quad laser. The more kills you racked up, the more important you felt. You began keepig track of all your starfighter hits to prove to others what a great shot you were.
These days you follow whichever smuggler captain is willing to hire you. Even if they don't pay well, you're happy as long as there are plenty of hostiles out there to shoot - and maybe a few in port you can rough up, too.
Personality: You're talkative and easy-going, quick to tell a good story, and short-tempered when any kind of authority steps in. You sneer at anyone still enslaved by military service.
Objectives: To rack up as many kills as you can, keep track of them, and brag to anyone who will listen.
Connection with other characters: You might have been hired by any freighter captain, or you could have been recruited by any member of a starship's crew.
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