Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))
Sith Amulet
Model: Sith Amulet
Type: Ancient Sith relic
Scale: Character
Skill: Alter
Ammo: Unlimited
Cost: Not available for sale
Availability: 4, X
Range: 1-5/10/20
Damage: 6D
Game Notes: Sith amulets are typically built in the form of crystal-studded gauntlets. When used by a character who has the Alter Force skill, the amulets project focused blasts of Dark Side energy similar to those created by the “Bolt of Hatred” Sith power (Tales of the Jedi Companion, page 87). The user’s skill roll equals his Alter skill code, and the attack can be dodged like any other ranged attack. Each time a Sith amulet is used, the user gains a Dark Side Point.
Source: The Dark Side Sourcebook (pages 66-67)