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Sith Wyrm

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Sith Wyrm i.jpg

PER: 1D+1

  • Hide 3D+2
  • search 6D+2

STR: 8D+1

Move: 16 (ground), 40 (burrow)
Size: Unlisted (colossal)

Special Abilities:

  • Bite: Does Strength +4D+2 damage. If the Sith Wyrm succeeds in its bite attack by more than ten points, it has swallowed its target whole. Victims who are swallowed whole suffer 4D damage per round from digestive acids in the wyrm’s stomach.
  • Darkvision: Sith Wyrms can see up to 20 meters in total darkness.
  • Walker Scale: Sith Wyrms are considered walker-scale.

Planet of Origin: Yavin 4

Source: The Dark Side Sourcebook (pages 121-122)