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Star Trek Xindi Primates
Name: Xindi Primates
Dice: 13D
Dexterity: 2D / 4D
Knowledge: 2D / 4D
Mechanical: 2D / 4D
Perception: 2D / 4D
Strength: 2D / 4D
Technical: 2D+1 / 4D+1
Move: 10 / 12
Size: 1.5 - 1.9 meters
Weight: 50 - 80 kg
Special Abilities:
- Innovative: Xindi Primates approach problems from a different poerspective, devising innovative solutions for problems as diverse as settling a dispute to tinkering. in a situation calling for original thinking, they receive a +1D to their rolls.
Description: The Xindi-Primates were a species of Xindi. They, like the other six species, evolved on the planet Xindus.
The Primates were seen as being apelike, and were closely similar to the humans of Earth. Like humans, the Xindi-Primates had skin that varied in complexion and most of the Primates had ten fingers. They had, like all the other Xindi species, distinctive ridges on their cheek bones. They also had larger foreheads but no eyebrows. (ENT episodes: "The Shipment", "The Xindi")
The Primates were the dominant species on Xindus for eons before the destruction of their homeworld. They were the second species to evolve with a high intelligence, preceded by on only the Aquatics. In their time as the dominant species, the primates ruthlessly oppressed the other species, earning the hatred of the others, particularly the Reptilians and the Insectoids. Following the destruction of their home world, the Primates were seen as being the most talented, fair, honest and trustworthy engineers. (ENT episode: "The Shipment")
They were represented on the Xindi Council by Degra and Mallora. In 2153, Degra designed the weapon that attacked Earth. (ENT episode & novelization: The Expanse)
- Memory Alpha: Xindi-Primate
- Memory Beta: Xindi-Primate
- Star Trek RPG Enterprise Season II - III Sourcebook (LUG) (page 20)
- thedemonapostle