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Starship Troopers: Worker Bug

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Starship Troopers Warrior Bugs.jpg

Name: Worker Bug

Dexterity: 2D
Perception: 1D+1

  • Structure Repair: 3D+2

Strength: 2D+2
Orneriness: 2D

Move: 17
Size: 2-3 meters long

Special Abilities:

  • Claws: STR+1D+1
  • Natural Armor: STR+1D to resist damage
  • Blindsight 14 meters: Using non-visual senses, such as sensitivity to vibrations, keen smell, acute hearing or echo-location, a creature with Blindsight maneuvers and fights as efficiently as a sighted creature. Darkness and most kinds of concealment are irrelevant, though the creature must have line of ‘sight’ to a creature or object to discern it. The creature usually does not need to make checks to notice creatures within range of its Blindsight ability. Unless noted otherwise, Blindsight is continuous and the creature need do nothing to use it. Stealth checks made to evade a creature with Blindsight suffer a –1D+1 penalty.
  • Wall Crawler: A Worker bug can climb and travel on vertical surfaces or even traverse ceilings as well as a Terran spider can. While the Worker bug is doing so it may continue to travel at its base speed and need not make checks to climb a vertical or horizontal surface, even if doing so upside down. A Worker bug cannot travel any faster than its base speed while climbing..

Description: Worker bugs are physically indistinguishable from warrior bugs aside from a very slight difference in its thorax chitin and mandible arrangement. Spotting this difference requires a Knowledge (alien species) check Difficulty 20 at 20 meters. By their nature, worker bugs are entirely non-combatant. They are capable of dealing injury, but only do so if they cannot flee an opponent and are literally forced to defend themselves. Even then, workers will only fight if there is not a warrior bug within 40 meters of it; otherwise the worker bug will passively take any attack thrown at it on the assumption that the warrior bug will defend it.


  • Starship Troopers RPG Sourcebook (page 216)
  • thedemonapostle