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Sun Crusher
Sun Crusher
Craft: Sun Crusher Prototype
Type: Imperial Super Weapon Prototype
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 13.5 meters
Skill: Starfighter piloting: Sun Crusher
Crew: 1, gunners: 5
Crew Skill: Starfighter piloting 4D, starship gunnery 4D
Cargo Capacity: GS kilograms
Consumables: 4 days
Cost: Unique (not for sale)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1
Nav Computer: Limited to three jumps
Maneuverability: 3D+2
Space: 12
Atmosphere: 450: 1300kmh
Hull: 50D
Shields: 1D
- Passive: 30/0D
- Scan: 40/1D
- Search: 60/3D
- Focus: 4/3D+2
- Eleven Resonance Torpedoes (see note)
- Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Capital
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-15/30/45
Atmosphere Range: 1-15/30/25 km
Damage: 4D+2
- 5 Laser Cannons
- Fire Arc: 1 turret, 1 left/front/right, 1 front/left/back, 1 left/back/right. 1 front/right/back
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-5/10/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1/2.5 km
Damage: 4D
- Tractor Beam Projector
- Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 4D
Space Range: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere Range: 2-10/30/60m
Damage: 5D
Resonance Torpedoes: These stats describe the torpedo as used against a ship or other target. When fired into a star the torpedo's sophisticated tracking system guarantees impact with a star and its devastating impact on a star has very little to do with its explosive or kinetic power - it simply triggers a chain reaction which Ignites a supernova, destroying the star and anything in the system.
Capsule: The Sun Crusher Is one of the prototype super weapon designs to emerge from Maw Installation. Each of its innovative features, from its molecular armor to its resonance torpedoes, cost as much to develop as the original Death Star superlaser. The Sun Crusher project was headed by Qwi Xux, who also contributed Some of its design features.
The Sun Crusher super weapon consists of a very fast and heavily armored delivery system wedded with very powerful ordnance - modulated resonance torpedoes capable of destroying stars. The torpedo detonation triggers a chain reaction in the core of the target sun, igniting a supernova even in low-mass stars. The resulting blast destroys the entire system over a period of several hours.
The Sun Crusher is equipped with nearly impregnable quantum armor so it can fulfill Its mission without regard to the fleet that might be arrayed against it. The quantum-crystalline armor is made up of several layers of atoms which are attached as densely as possible, laminated on top of another thin film. This second film is just as tough as the primary armor, but "phase shifted" - an experimental form of armor that affords tremendous protection. The armor is strong enough that the Sun Crusher has a good chance of surviving even if it gets caught in the blast radius of its resonance torpedoes, as long as it is far enough from the exploding star to avoid the worst of the shock wave.
The ship is also highly maneuverable and small enough to escape notice on many standard system-wide scans. It is lightly armed in the event that it encounters resistance - eight small lasers provide 360-degree coverage.
In appearance, the Sun Crusher looks somewhat like the long shard of a firefacet gem. The bottom of the long point carries a strange toroidal dish, which is the resonance torpedo transmitter. Its quantum armor reflects light in strange directions, making the craft appear to have been polished with slow light.
Source: The Jedi Academy Sourcebook (pages 67-68)