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T'landa Til

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T'landa Til
Home Planet or System: Nal Hutta
Attribute Dice: 13D
TECHNICAL 2D/4DSpecial Abilities:Redundant Physiology: T'landa Til have two hearts and three stomachs, allowing them

to continue living if one such organ fails. In the case of injury or failure involving the heart or

stomach, any wound that would reduce a character to Mortally Wounded or Dead status is reduced by one

wound level. Sonic Vibrations: By using their throat pouch to exhale air over cilia, T'landa Til can create sonic

and subsonic vibrations that have powerful effects on living beings. When this ability is used, any

characters or creatures within hearing range of the sound must make a Difficult Perception or willpower

roll to resist being enthralled. If he, she, or it fails the roll, the being is overcome with peace and

pleasure, and is more easily influenced for 1D rounds. When using this ability, the T'landa Til cannot

perform any other actions in the same round. If a character within hearing range is aware of the

effects of this ability, the difficulty of the roll to resist is reduced to Easy.
Move: 6/8
Size: 2.0-2.4 MetersThis race of behings is distantly related to the Hutts, hailing from the same planet as well, though

their physiologies are drastically different. They have stout bodies supported by four thick,

soft-padded legs, with a short, stumped neck and a thin, whip-like tail that rests coiled on top of

their bodies. They have two thick arms that end in four delicate fingers, and have thick, baggy skin

which hangs in wrinkles off their bodies. T'landa Til are, unlike their enterprising brethren the

Hutts, not as successful in the galaxy's business and political arenas as they would like to be. They

are ambitious and, at times, devious, but more often than not are cowardly and short-sighted.