Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))
Type: Forest scavenger
Planet of Origin: Ealor
- Running 6D+2
- Hide 4D
- sneak 4D+2
Special Abilities:
- Claws: Foot and paw claws do STR+1 damage.
- Extremely Protective: Tantla adults are uncommonly protective of their young. When presented with a potential threat, they band together as a group and fight to the death to safeguard their cubs. In such circumstances tantla adults will unhesitantly sacrifice themselves, if necessary, to drive off an attacker. When presented with a danger to their young, all adult tantla attack with +2D to their Strength rolls for purpose of causing and resisting damage (this due to increased adrenaline).
- Grapple Tongue: The tip of the tantla’s long tongue contains hundreds of minute suckers used to adhere to its prey, aiding in the quarry’s capture. A potential victim so caught must make a Difficult Strength roll to break free or suffer a -1D Dexterity penalty.
- Restricted Vision: Tantlas have difficulty in distinguishing distances and multiple objects in three-dimensional perspective. Tantlas suffer a -1D penalty to any search rolls when a target in not moving.
- Tail: A barbed tailswipe does STR+2 damage.
- Teeth: Teeth do STR+1 damage.
Move: 12
Size: 1-1.3 meters tall, up to 3 meters long
Source: Creatures of the Galaxy (page 77)