Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))
Test place holder thing
Starfighters are short-range combat vessels with a small crew complement (usually limited to a pilot and co-pilot). These ships emphasize speed and maneuverability over durability, and normally are heavily-armed. These ships are normally designed for very short (but intense) duty periods, and thus are very effective in battle, but only for limited amounts of time. Starfighters are rather expensive, and serve only one role: the destruction of enemy ships. Starfighter technology advances very quickly, and most fleets must expend a huge portion of their budgets to train pilots and keep them equipped with cutting-edge ships. Some of the most famous Starfighters include the New Republic's X-wing, the Empire's TIE fighter, and the legendary (but outdated) Z-95 Headhunter; pilots use the Starfighter Piloting skill to fly these versatile combat vessels.
- Sith Fighter
- Sith Starfighter
- Drake Starfighter
- Cinnagar Interceptor
- Star Sabre
- Stinger
- C-73 Tracker
- Dagger
- Sigil Courier
- Dianoga
- Gun Tug
- Cloakshape Fighter
- Whitecloak Fighter
- Mercenary Fighter
- Phoenix Hawk Light Pinnace
- TL-118 StarHammer
- Naboo Police Cruiser
- N-1 Royal Starfighter
- G-1 Starfighter
- Naboo Bomber
- Freefall Bomber
- Jedi Starfighter
- Jedi Interceptor
- V-19 Torrent
- P-38
- T-36 Skyfighter
- Toscan 8-Q
- Zebra
- TIE-Y Ugly
- Patrol StarSpeeder
- PTR-3 Vedette
- Hornet Interceptor
- Authority IRD
- Authority IRD-A
- Pinook Fighter
- Charon Starfighter
- Z-95 Mark I Headhunter
- Z-95 Headunter
- Z-95XT Trainer
- Gauntlet
- Y-Wing
- Y-TIE Ugly
- Pursuer Enforcement Ship
- Corsair Cruiser
- StarViper
- Vanguard Heavy Assault Gunship
- Dagger-D Police Fighter
- Qektoth Confederation Fighter
- M3-A Scyk
- G1-M4-C Dunelizard
- M12 Kimogila
- X-TIE Ugly
- “Clutch” Ugly
- Manta Assault Starfighter
- R-41 Starchaser
- Razor Fighter
- Miy’til Fighter
- Miy’til Assault Bomber
- Planetary Fighter
- Supa Fighter
- Preybird Fighter
- Ssi-ruuvi Battle Droid
- Corellian B-Wing “Ugly”
- LAF-250
- HLAF-500
- Blade-32
- Yevethan D-type Fighter
- Clawcraft
- Yorik-et Coralskipper
- Droid Starfighter
- Droid Bomber
- Scarab
- Advanced Droid Starfighter
- Advanced Droid Bomber
- Geonosian Starfighter
- Geonosian Fanblade Starfighter
- Mankvim-814
- Belbullab-22
- Tri-Fighter
- V-Wing
- ARC-170
- T.I.E. Starfighter
- TIE Fighter
- TIE Ground Targeting
- TIE Reconnaissance
- TIE Fire Control
- TIE Advanced x1
- TIE Aggressor
- Skypray Blastboat
- TIE Interceptor
- TIE Bomber
- TIE Shuttle
- TIE Vanguard
- TIE Raptor
- TIE Phantom
- TIE Oppressor
- Assault Gunboat
- Missile Boat
- Space Battle Droid
- Scimitar Assault Bomber
- TIE Advanced / Avenger
- TIE Defender Prototype
- TIE Defender
- Super TIE/ln
- TIE Droid
- I-7 Howlrunner
- Shadow Droid