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The Aiki Order

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Jedi Kung-Fu Style


The order of Aiki Jedi order was founded a millennium ago, by Morihei Ushiba, a Jedi knight from a near-human, very long-lived race (though some historians attribute his long age to his very strong bond with the Force, and others dismiss his existence entirely). Ushiba, who was then 120 years old, was a Jedi who was fascinated with martial arts of various races. During his training at the Jedi Academy, he became a Warrior Jedi, but during his voyages through the galaxy he encountered a Shimuran Monk. Though he did not agree with Shimura's views on technology, he was fascinated with Ka. After studying Shimuran philosophy, he started his own school, where he taught the path of Aiki - the way of perfecting mind through the perfection of the body. His skills in both armed and unarmed combat were legendary, but since he started the Aiki Order, he never killed anyone - until his last fight. The Monastery of Aiki - as his school was named - was supposedly located on a moon in a system somewhere in the Core Words. However, nobody was able to find it, and some historians think that Morihei's school might have been located on a ship. The truth is that the moon was in reality a rouge asteroid, fitted with subspace beacons and sublight drives used to direct it's trajectory. There is a rumor that somebody in the Outer Rim territories has found a transceiver tuned to receive signals from Monastery's beacon... Morihei died at the age of 1,120 in his final fight. Ushiba and his lightbo (lightstaff) against Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine and 10 Dark Side Adepts. Ushiba maimed Darth, wounded Emperor Palpatine and killed all the Dark Side Adepts, but was finally killed by the Emperor's Force Lighting and a final stroke from Lord Vader’s lightsaber. Some also say that he died to allow his son to escape...


The Aiki Jedi believe that though technology is not evil in itself, the best weapon is one's own body. They follow the Jedi Code very strictly, and usually wander around the galaxy helping the poor oppressed (like Kane from "Kung-Fu" <g>). One must remember that being an Aiki Jedi is not just a way of having a cool character who can defeat an entire legion of Emperor's best troops with his bare hands. An Aiki is a person who resorts to violence only as the last resort, even more than "normal" Jedi Knights. Of course, the ability to disable enemies without permanently damaging them (unlike lightsaber wielding Jedi, who disable enemies by cutting their extremities off) really helps - and is more proof that your body is the best weapon you can get. The best comparison is that while Jedi Knights are based on samurai, Aiki Jedi are based on Buddhist monks.

The two core beliefs of Aiki Jedi are

  1. A commitment to peaceful resolution of conflict whenever possible.
  2. A commitment to self-improvement through Aiki training.

Known Aiki Jedi

Morihei Ushiba, a Warrior Jedi and the founder of Aiki Order, and his son, Musashi Ushiba, a famous Artificer and creator of many exotic weapons. There's also Arigato Ushiba, mythical elder brother of Musashi who never became a Jedi because he thought Jedi rely too much on Force and no enough on their own skills. Most historians thinks his existence is a myth - pointing out that the legends of Arigato tell that he routinely defeated Jedi knights in duels, using only an iron katana. (But then, the legends also say that Arigato's weapon was made of Mandalorian Iron and was a gift from Mushashi).

Aiki Martial Arts

The Aiki order’s combat style is based around a very complex set of martial arts rules. The following rules may be used for any martial artist in the Star Wars universe, but are provided to better understand the Aiki combat style.
Blunt Damage: Brawling strikes (hand/foot/staff/baseball bat/etc.) inflict blunt damage. Physical armor protects at +150% versus blunt strikes. Instead of +2D, Stormtroopers have +3D).

Damage from blunt strikes use the following table:

  • 0 - No damage done
  • 0-8 - Stunned (0-3 and 4-8 is Stunned)
  • 9-12 - Wounded
  • 13-15 - Incapacitated
  • 16-20 - Mortally wounded
  • 21+ - Killed

Accuracy modifiers (Optional):
For each +5 over the difficulty number add to damage:

  • +1D in case of energy weapons
  • +2 in case of physical weapons (sharp, edged weapons and slugthrowers)+1 in case of blunt physical weapons (staves, fists, legs etc.)

There are no separate melee combat and melee parry skills - they're both under melee combat, and one can specialize in attack or defense (or in specific weapon). Brawling and Dodge skills have no specializations. There are no Brawling (Str) and Brawling Parry (Dex) skills. Use following skills instead:


Brawling (Soft) (DEX)

Time Taken: One melee action
Notes: +1D Brawling Defense; only -5 when Brawl Dodging, can inflict stun damage at no penalty; -1D Brawling Attack; no + to damage; Headlock (+10 Diff): inflict automatic stun damage unless opposed Soft or Hard (-1D penalty) Brawling test is made.
Armlock (+10 Diff): arm/leg immobilized, if attack roll is +10 greater than defense, then opponent immobilized.

(A) Martial Arts (Soft)

Time Taken: One Melee Action
Prerequisites: Brawling (Soft) 5D
Notes: User can split dice between brawl defense or melee defense (+1D for 1D), dodge (+1 for 1D, max +1D); can split dice to damage or attack (+1 per 1D); can dislocate and break arms/legs like Brawling (STR) CP cost x3 (not x2), without adequate Imperial Permit training or use is Class 3 Offense.

Skill: Brawling (Hard) (STR)
Time Taken: One Melee Action
Notes: +1D Brawling Attack, add +1 to damage for every full 3D in skill; +inflicts physical damage; -1D Brawling Defense; -15 when Brawl Dodging; can inflict stun damage at + 15 Diff. Headlock (+10 Diff): inflict automatic physical damage unless opposed DEX/STR or Soft Brawling (with +10) test is made. Armlock (+10 Diff): if attack roll is +0 to +10 greater than defense, then arm/leg immobilized; +11 to +20 then it is dislocated; 21+ - it's broken...

(A) Martial Arts (Hard)

Time Taken: One Melee Action
Prerequisites: Brawling (Hard) 5D
Notes: User can split dice between brawl defense, attack (+1D for 1D) and damage (+2 per 1D); can inflict stun damage at +10 Diff. CP cost x3 (not x2), without adequate Imperial Permit training or use is Class 3 Offense;

(A) Noghri Martial Arts

Time Taken: One Melee Action
Prerequisites: STR 4D, DEX 3D+2 and Brawling (both) 5D
Notes: User can split dice between brawl defense, attack and damage (+1D for 1D); inflict physical or stun damage at no penalty. CP cost x2, training or use is Class 1 Offense (except for Noghri in Imperial service). And try finding a sensei for this one... 

Brawling (Wookie) (STR)

Time Taken: One Melee Action
Prerequisites: STR 4D
Notes: +2D to hit and damage when attacking arms or legs (but remember about +-1D called shot penalty). -1D when brawling normally...

(A) Wrruushi (Wookie Martial Arts)

Time Taken: One Melee Action
Prerequisites: STR greater than 4D, Brawling (Wookie) 5D and Height over 1.8 mNotes: User can split dice between brawl defense, attack (+1D for 1D) and damage (+1 per 1D); inflicts stun damage at no penalty. When inflicting stun damage, add +1D to damage roll. CP cost x2,5 (not x2), training or use is Class 2 Offense;

All (A) Martial Arts give a one free parry in a round (unless using unmodified 2nd ed rules - that would be too powerful). And remember, kids - you cannot Dodge a lightsaber. Use Brawling Parry instead... (remember to add modifiers for type of Brawling skill used).

Aiki vs. Shimuran

Why include another martial artist Jedi? Is one better than the other? In a word: nope. Although they are very similar, the Aiki Order and the Monks of Shimura are each specifically designed for two totally different styles of game play. The Aiki are designed for realistic, rules-intensive martial arts fury. The Monks of Shimura are designed for simple, easy (yet effective) mechanics which easily fit into the established rules of SW-RPG. If you’re looking for a cool character who you can immediately get into and fast combat rounds, go with the Monks of Shimura. If you don’t mind the extra rules, mechanics, and complexity, go with the Aiki. I personally recommend the Shimuran Monks for most games, but when you want to run a martial arts based game (where most characters are martial artists), you can’t beat the Aiki rules.

Aiki Jedi Template

Dexterity 3D
Knowledge 2D
Mechanical 2D
Strength 3D
Perception 3D
Technical 2D
Control 1D
Sense 1D
Alter 1D
Skills of Note:
Brawling (Soft/Dex) 5D, Brawling (Hard/Str) 5D, (A) Martial Arts (Aiki) 1D, 2D left to assign to skills.
Force powers:
Aiki combat, Absorb/dissipate energy, Control Pain, Enhance Attribute, Concentration, and 4 other powers;
Equipment: 100 credits, robes, walking staff (STR+1D blunt).


"A mind to serve for the peace of all beings in the world is needed in Aiki, and not the mind of one who wishes to be strong or who practices only to fell an opponent. Aiki is not a technique to fight and defeat an enemy. It is a way to reconcile the world and make human beings one family."

"The secret of Aiki is to become one with the universe."

"Aiki is primarily a way to achieve physical and spiritual self-mastery."

And one more thing, the GM has the complete right not to allow Aiki Jedi in the game.