Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))

The Bracers of Najus

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Bracers of Najus

Type: Dark side artifact

Scale: Character

Cost: Not available for sale

Availability: Unique

Game Notes: If worn, the Bracers of Najus double the benefits of any attempts to call upon the Dark Side against a target who is allied with the light side of the Force (ie, against a Force-sensitive opponent who has no Dark Sidepoints). What this means is that any Force points gained by calling on the Dark Side triple the character’s dice pools instead of doubling them. The bracers have no effect if the user’s opponent has at least one Dark Side point. In fact, the Dark Side-allied opponent gains any beneficial bonuses if an attempt is made to use the bracers against him.

Source: Gamer Magazine