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The Centurian

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The Centurian mk II

Name: The Centurian mkIII
Craft: Custom Built Ship
Type: Warship
Scale: starfighter
Length: 30 meters
Skill: space transports
Crew: 1; Gunners: 2
Passengers: 3
Cargo Capacity: 30 metric tons
Consumables: 2 months
Cost: 13,601,500
Hyperdrive: x0.5
Hyperdrive Backup: x2
Nav Computer: yes
Maneuverability: 4D
Space: 12
Atmosphere: 415; 1,200 kmh
Hull: 8D
Shields: 6D

  • Passive: 90/2D
  • Scan: 180/3D
  • Search: 360/4D
  • Focus: 9/5D


  • 4 Assault Laser Cannons (firelinked)
Fire Arc: forward
Crew: 1
Scale: starfighter
Skill: starship gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1,200/2,500m
Damage: 9D
  • 4 Heavy Laser Cannons (firelinked)
Fire Arc: starboard Turret
Crew: 1
Scale: starfighter
Skill: starship gunnery
Fire Control: 4D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1,200/2,500m
Damage: 7D
  • 4 Heavy Ion Cannons (firelinked)
Fire Arc: port turret
Crew: 1
Scale: starfighter
Skill: starship gunnery
Fire Control: 6D
Space Range: 1-3/7/36
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/700/3,600m
Damage: 6D
  • 2 Concussion Missile Launchers
Fire Arc: forward
Crew: 1
Scale: starfighter
Skill: starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-2/8/15
Atmosphere Range: 100-200/800/1,500m
Ammo: 18 per missile launcher
Damage: 8D
  • 2 Proton Torpedo Launchers
Fire Arc: forward
Crew: 1
Scale: starfighter
Skill: starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1/3/7
Atmosphere Range: 100/300/700m
Ammo: 18 per launcher
Damage: 9D


  • Primary Power Core
    • Powers Main Systems except Weapons and Shields
    • Isolated from Secondary Power Core
  • Secondary Power Core
    • Powers Weapons and Shields only
    • Isolated from Primary Power Core
  • Escape Pod: 1
  • Astromech Droid Interface Socket
  • Cargo Ejection System
    • Cargo Hold has Independent Life support for 3 Personnel for 10 days

Description: The Centurian mkIII is a continuation of a custom built line of ships by the pirate Alf Cryl.

The mark I was build by Alf and a few of his associates in a junk yard from several ships. needless to say, it wasn't the most reliable of ships. It was destroyed in a battle with customs agents when a large barrage of proton torpedoes struck its starboard side.

The mark II was a factory build ship from the ground up. It had bigger and more powerful weapons than the mark I. Unfortunately its bigger guns and renowned toughness led to Alf's over confidence in the ship. Alf destroyed the ship when an alliance of pirates banded together to take the ship form him. After a long battle, in which Alf was losing, he rigged the ship and escaped certain doom. The pirates captured the ship and moments later the mark II detonated its dual capital scale power cores inside the pirates flag ship, destroying both ships.

The mark III is the newest in the line of ships. In an attempt to be more discrete a few of the weapons systems were scaled back and the overall power signature of the vessel was reduced as well.