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The Codex

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Type: DarkStryder artifact

The Codex

Scale: Character

Game Notes: The Codex is a small metallic pyramid that provides +2D to all Force skills that the user possesses. In addition, the Codes allows a Force-sensitive to automatically locate “galactic” scale disturbances in the Force (i.e. the destruction of a planet or other such cataclysm). Characters who attempt to use the device more than three round a day are subject to some penalties: any Dark Side points the character receives while using the Codex are doubled, and other Force-sensitives can locate the device fairly easily, often over distances of more than 100 light years. The Codex has a body strength of 1D to resist damage. If the

device is roughly handled or otherwise damaged, it will break and cannot be repaired.

Source: The DarkStryder Campaign – The Kathol Rift (page 62)