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Tough Native
- Sword (damage code is strength+1D+1)
- Black-powder pistol
- Powder Horn
- Large, Foppy Hat
- Extravagant Clothing
- 500 Credits
- Your native planet was settled a thousand years ago by shipwrecked spacers. It lost contact with the galaxy, and its technology regressed. Only a few years ago, your planet was rediscovered by free traders -- smugglers, actually. You're a little dazzled by all these starships and rayguns and such -- you're much more at home with honest technologies that normal human beings can understand, like sailing ships, rifles, zeppelins and gas lamps.
- You grew up as an honest farmer's child, taught to fear the deity, love your parents, and serve your monarch. You joined the Queen's Own Grenadiers as a youth, and saw a little action on one campaign. Your Queen sent you (and others of her servants) to find out more about the galaxy and what contact with it might mean. You send her reports weekly -- but you're increasingly worried. The Empire would crush your planet like an insect. Joining the Rebellion may be your planet's only hope.
- Your style of dress matches the traditional clothing of your homeworld.
- Loyal to your Queen; pious; and more than a little flamboyant. You get into fights frequently, which you enjoy, and also enjoy drinking others under the table.
- Joining the Rebellion may be your planets only hope.
Connection With Characters:
- A Smuggler or Pirate might have visited your planet, or transported you from it. Any noble or senatorial might have visited it on a diplomatic mission. You might have met any of the lowlife characters (Gambler, Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, Pirate, etc) in a bar. The Laconic Scout might have discovered your planet. You might be nobility on your planet, and the Loyal Retainer yours.
Source: Star Wars: The Role-Playing Game (1st Edition)
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