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Typical Slaver

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Name: Slaver
Species: Any
Sex: Any
Dexterity: 2D
Blaster 4D, Brawling Parry 3D+1, Dodge 3D+2,
Grenade 4D, Melee Combat 3D+2, Melee Parry 3D+1, Running 4D
Knowledge: 2D
Intimidation 3D, Streetwise 3D, Value: Slaves 3D
Mechanical: 2D
Perception: 2D
Con 3D, Search 3D+1, Sneak 3D
Strength: 2D
Brawling 3D+2
Technical: 2D
First Aid 3D
Move: 10
Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Blaster Rifle (5D),
Stun Grenades (6D/5D/3D), Blast Vest (+1D energy, +2 physical), Slave Collars (5D Stun)
Reference: Custom Build

Experienced Slaver

Name: Slaver (Experienced)
Species: Any
Sex: Any
Dexterity: 2D
Blaster 5D, Brawling Parry 4D+1, Dodge 4D+2,
Grenade 5D, Melee Combat 4D+2,
Melee Parry 4D+1, Running 5D
Knowledge: 2D
Intimidation 4D, Streetwise 4D, Value: Slaves 4D
Mechanical: 2D
Perception: 2D
Con 4D, Search 4D+1, Sneak 4D
Strength: 2D
Brawling 4D+2
Technical: 2D
First Aid 3D+2
Move: 10
Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Blaster Rifle (5D),
Stun Grenades (6D/5D/3D), Blast Vest (+1D energy, +2 physical), Slave Collars (5D Stun)
Reference: Custom Build

Veteran Slaver

Name: Slaver (Veteran)
Species: Any
Sex: Any
Dexterity: 2D
Blaster 6D, Brawling Parry 5D+1, Dodge 5D+2,
Grenade 6D, Melee Combat 5D+2, Melee Parry 5D+1, Running 6D
Knowledge: 2D
Intimidation 5D, Streetwise 5D, Value: Slaves 5D
Mechanical: 2D
Perception: 2D
Con 5D, Search 5D+1, Sneak 5D
Strength: 2D
Brawling 5D+2
Technical: 2D
First Aid 4D+1
Move: 10
Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Blaster Rifle (5D), Stun Grenades (6D/5D/3D),
Blast Vest (+1D energy, +2 physical), Slave Collars (5D Stun)
Reference: Custom Build

Elite Slaver

Name: Slaver (Elite)
Species: Any
Sex: Any
Dexterity: 2D
Blaster 7D, Brawling Parry 6D+1, Dodge 6D+2,
Grenade 7D, Melee Combat 6D+2,
Melee Parry 6D+1, Running 7D
Knowledge: 2D
Intimidation 6D, Streetwise 6D, Value: Slaves 6D
Mechanical: 2D
Perception: 2D
Con 6D, Search 6D+1, Sneak 6D
Strength: 2D
Brawling 6D+2
Technical: 2D
First Aid 5D
Move: 10
Blaster Pistol (4D), Blaster Rifle (5D), Stun Grenades (6D/5D/3D),
Blast Vest (+1D energy, +2 physical), Slave Collars (5D Stun)
Reference: Custom Build

Trandoshan Slaver

Name: Trandoshan Slaver
Species: Trandoshan
Sex: Any
Dexterity: 1D+2
Blaster 3D, Brawling Parry 3D+2, Dodge 3D+1,
Firearms: Snare Rifle 4D, Grenade 4D, Melee Combat 3D+1, Melee Parry 3D+2
Knowledge: 2D
Intimidation 3D+1, Streetwise 3D, Value: Slaves 3D
Mechanical: 1D+2
Perception: 2D
Search 3D+2, Sneak 3D+2
Brawling 4D+1, Stamina 4D+1
Technical: 1D+2
First Aid 3D
Special Abilities
Vision: Trandoshans’ vision includes the ability to see in the infrared spectrum. They can see in darkness with no penalty, provided there are heat sources.

Clumsy: Trandoshans have poor manual dexterity. They have considerable difficulty
performing actions which require precise finger movement and they suffer a penalty of -2D whenever they attempt an action of this kind. In addition, they also have some difficulty using weaponry that requires a substantially smaller finger such as blasters and blasterrifles; most weapons used by Trandoshans have had their finger guards removed or redesigned to allow for the Trandoshan’s use.
Regeneration: Younger Trandoshans can regenerate lost limbs (fingers, arms, legs and feet). This ability disappears as the Trandoshan ages. Once per day, the Trandoshan must make a Moderate Strength or stamina roll. Success means that the limb regenerates by tem percent. Failure indicates that the regeneration does not occur.
Move: 10
Blaster Pistol (4D), Snare Rifle (Special), Stun Grenades (6D/5D/3D),
Blast Vest (+1D energy, +2 physical), Slave Collars (5D Stun)
Reference: Custom Build

Snare Rifle:
A snare rifle fires a burst of shockstun mist, as well as a liquid spraynet. A character hit by this weapon is assumed to be effected by both attacks. The shockstun mist forces a character attempt a Difficult Strength roll. Failure indicates that the character is knocked unconscious for 5D minutes. In addition, the liquid spraynet covers a
target, entangling him. A character thus ensnared suffers a -1D penalty to all attack rolls, a -2D penalty to his Dexterity score, and can only move at half of his Move score. The fibers of a spraynet are hard to break, and resist damage as if they have an effective Strength score of 4D+2.

Experienced Trandoshan Slaver

Name: Trandoshan Slaver (Experienced)
Species: Trandoshan
Sex: Any
Dexterity: 1D+2
Blaster 4D, Brawling Parry 4D+2, Dodge 4D+1,
Firearms: Snare Rifle 5D, Grenade 5D, Melee Combat 4D+1, Melee Parry 4D+2
Knowledge: 2D
Intimidation 4D+1, Streetwise 4D, Value: Slaves 4D
Mechanical: 1D+2
Perception: 2D
Search 4D+2, Sneak 4D+2
Strength: 3D+1
Brawling 5D+1, Stamina 5D+1
Technical: 1D+2
First Aid 3D+2
Special Abilities
Vision: Trandoshans’ vision includes the ability to see in the infrared spectrum. They can see in darkness with no penalty, provided there are heat sources.

Clumsy: Trandoshans have poor manual dexterity. They have considerable difficulty
performing actions which require precise finger movement and they suffer a penalty of -2D whenever they attempt an action of this kind. In addition, they also have some difficulty using weaponry that requires a substantially smaller finger such as blasters and blasterrifles; most weapons used by Trandoshans have had their finger guards removed or redesigned to allow for the Trandoshan’s use.

Regeneration: Younger Trandoshans can regenerate lost limbs (fingers, arms, legs and feet). This ability disappears as the Trandoshan ages. Once per day, the Trandoshan must make a Moderate Strength or stamina roll. Success means that the limb regenerates by tem percent. Failure indicates that the regeneration does not occur.
Move: 10
Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Snare Rifle (Special), Stun Grenades (6D/5D/3D),

Blast Vest (+1D energy, +2 physical), Slave Collars (5D Stun)
Reference: Custom Build

Snare Rifle:
A snare rifle fires a burst of shockstun mist, as well as a liquid spraynet. A character hit by this weapon is assumed to be effected by both attacks. The shockstun mist forces a character attempt a Difficult Strength roll. Failure indicates that the character is knocked unconscious for 5D minutes. In addition, the liquid spraynet covers a
target, entangling him. A character thus ensnared suffers a -1D penalty to all attack rolls, a -2D penalty to his Dexterity score, and can only move at half of his Move score. The fibers of a spraynet are hard to break, and resist damage as if they have an effective Strength score of 4D+2.

Veteran Trandoshan Slaver

Name: Trandoshan Slaver (Veteran)
Species: Trandoshan
Sex: Any
Dexterity: 1D+2
Blaster 5D, Brawling Parry 5D+2, Dodge 5D+1,
Firearms: Snare Rifle 6D, Grenade 6D, Melee Combat 5D+1, Melee Parry 5D+2
Knowledge: 2D
Intimidation 5D+1, Streetwise 5D, Value: Slaves 5D
Mechanical: 1D+2
Perception: 2D
Search 5D+2, Sneak 5D+2
Strength: 3D+1
Brawling 6D+1, Stamina 6D+1
Technical: 1D+2
First Aid 4D+1
Special Abilities
Vision: Trandoshans’ vision includes the ability to see in the infrared spectrum. They can see in darkness with no penalty, provided there are heat sources.

Clumsy: Trandoshans have poor manual dexterity. They have considerable difficulty
performing actions which require precise finger movement and they suffer a penalty of -2D whenever they attempt an action of this kind. In addition, they also have some difficulty using weaponry that requires a substantially smaller finger such as blasters and blasterrifles; most weapons used by Trandoshans have had their finger guards removed or redesigned to allow for the Trandoshan’s use.

Regeneration: Younger Trandoshans can regenerate lost limbs (fingers, arms, legs and feet). This ability disappears as the Trandoshan ages. Once per day, the Trandoshan must make a Moderate Strength or stamina roll. Success means that the limb regenerates by tem percent. Failure indicates that the regeneration does not occur.
Move: 10
Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Snare Rifle (Special), Stun Grenades (6D/5D/3D), Blast Vest (+1D energy, +2 physical), Slave Collars (5D Stun)
Reference: Custom Build

Snare Rifle:
A snare rifle fires a burst of shockstun mist, as well as a liquid spraynet. A character hit by this weapon is assumed to be effected by both attacks. The shockstun mist forces a character attempt a Difficult Strength roll. Failure indicates that the character is knocked unconscious for 5D minutes. In addition, the liquid spraynet covers a
target, entangling him. A character thus ensnared suffers a -1D penalty to all attack rolls, a -2D penalty to his Dexterity score, and can only move at half of his Move score. The fibers of a spraynet are hard to break, and resist damage as if they have an effective Strength score of 4D+2.

Elite Trandoshan Slaver

Name: Trandoshan Slaver (Elite)
Species: Trandoshan
Sex: Any
Dexterity: 1D+2
Blaster 6D, Brawling Parry 6D+2, Dodge 6D+1,
Firearms: Snare Rifle 7D, Grenade 7D, Melee
Combat 6D+1, Melee Parry 6D+2
Knowledge: 2D
Intimidation 6D+1, Streetwise 6D, Value: Slaves
Perception: 2D
Search 6D+2, Sneak 6D+2
Strength: 3D+1
Brawling 7D+1, Stamina 7D+1
Technical: 1D+2
First Aid 4D+1
Special Abilities
Special Abilities
Vision: Trandoshans’ vision includes the ability to see in the infrared spectrum. They can see in darkness with no penalty, provided there are heat sources.

Clumsy: Trandoshans have poor manual dexterity. They have considerable difficulty
performing actions which require precise finger movement and they suffer a penalty of -2D whenever they attempt an action of this kind. In addition, they also have some difficulty using weaponry that requires a substantially smaller finger such as blasters and blasterrifles; most weapons used by Trandoshans have had their finger guards removed or redesigned to allow for the Trandoshan’s use.

Regeneration: Younger Trandoshans can regenerate lost limbs (fingers, arms, legs and feet). This ability disappears as the Trandoshan ages. Once per day, the Trandoshan must make a Moderate Strength or stamina roll. Success means that the limb regenerates by tem percent. Failure indicates that the regeneration does not occur.
Move: 10
Equipment: Blaster Pistol (4D), Snare Rifle (Special), Stun Grenades (6D/5D/3D),
Blast Vest (+1D energy, +2 physical), Slave Collars (5D Stun)
Reference: Custom Build
Snare Rifle:
A snare rifle fires a burst of shockstun mist, as well as a liquid spraynet. A character hit by this weapon is assumed to be effected by both attacks. The shockstun mist forces a character attempt a Difficult Strength roll. Failure indicates that the character is knocked unconscious for 5D minutes. In addition, the liquid spraynet covers a
target, entangling him. A character thus ensnared suffers a -1D penalty to all attack rolls, a -2D penalty to his Dexterity score, and can only move at half of his Move score. The fibers of a spraynet are hard to break, and resist damage as if they have an effective Strength score of 4D+2.