Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))
Typical TIE Fighter Pilot
Dexterity: 3D+1
Blaster 4D+1, dodge 4D+1
Knowledge: 2D
Planetary systems 3D, survival 3D, value 3D
Mechanical: 4D
Communications 4D+1, Sensors 5D+2*, starfighter piloting 6D, starship gunnery 5D
Perception: 3D
Command 4D, search 4D, hide 4D, sneak 3D+2
Strength: 3D
Stamina 4D, climbing/jumping 4D
Technical: 2D
Computer programming/repair 3D+1, starfighter repair 5D
Equipment: Navigational computer linkup helmet (internal comlink, +1D to sensors), high gravity stress flight suit with life support equipment, one week emergency reations, blaster pistol (4D), survival gear
- Stat modified by equipment
See Also: