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Veteran Spacer
Equipment: Shipsuit, comlink, vacuum suit, 500 credits, blaster pistol (4D), datapad, tool kit appropriate to your specialty, spacer's chest, mementoes from a dozen worlds.
Background: You're a general spacer, able to find a berth in almost any commercial freighter that travels the spacelanes... or at least you can when there's a berth to be had. These days, berths are hard to find, what with the Civil War and trade disruptions and all that. Its enough to drive you into raiding. Although you have a general background, and can fly, fix, and generally work anything aboard ship, you have particular specializatoin, something you're particularly good at. You usually sign on as a (sensor, comm, weapons) tech, and are specially to use, mantain and repair that equipment.
Personality: You're a little rough around the edges. You work for a living. Unlike most officers and corporate hacks, and keep your feet on deck and "don't tumble in zero-gee". According to your crewmate, You are a practical worker, but not completely unimaginative and like to hear and tell tales and spacer's legends.
Objectives: To see as much of the galaxy as possible, and make a good living while you still can.
Connection With Characters: You may have served with or under another spacerfaring caracter. You could have met anyone in your extensive travels.
Source: Pirates & Privateers
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