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Wealthy Physician
Equipment: Fine clothes, 3,000 credits, landspeeder (move 105; 300kmh, body strenght 3D, maneuverability 2D), medpac, medical tools, datapad (with diagnostic database, cataloging treatments for over 20,000 diseases and injuries).
Background: When the Empire was at its peak, you were in your glory. There was no shortage of cash-rich upper class bureaucrats and New Order adherents who clamored to be your patron, to take advantage of your medical skills. Certainly, most of their complaints were either imaginary or cosmetic, but that suited you just fine. Placating such fools is child's play, and they paid so well for your services.
Unfortunately, with the fall of the Empire, the medical profession has seen many of its wealthy patrons evaporate, as the line between the "haves" and "have-nots" grows less distinct. Now you are reduced to following your patrons from world to world as the Imperial sphere of influence shrinks. Alas, many of these worlds are not what you'd call "top drawer."
You have been forced a number of times to evacuate a world along with your patrons just as your practice was settling down. This is growing very tiresome. You have augmented your income by surgically altering the features of wanted Imperials, though you are now considered an "Imperial sympathizer" by the New Republic.
Personality: You are a dedicated and skilled physician, but part of your misses the grandeur and pomp of the Old Empire.
Objectives: You wish to maintain or improve your standard of living and you long for a noble title.
Source: Heroes and Rogues
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