Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))
Whiphid Collector
Equipment: Hold-out blaster (3D+1), knife (STR+1D), datapad, 2000 credits
Background: Although most of your relatives are busy chasing arabores, snow demons and one another, you have gone on to hunt more exciting game. Your family's holdings allowed you to book passage off Toola many years ago, and you've done everything you could think of to avoid going back.
Your main business is collecting. Work is what you do to allow you to collect. What you collect varies, but what never wanes is the single-minded drive to possess what you do not yet have.
You tried your hand at bounty hunting to raise money, as do many of your folk that have left your homeworld, but you found it either too boring or too dangerous (mostly too dangerous). Now you just take whatever job comes to hand, or sell off bits of side collections you maintain just for that purpose (though it pains you to part with them).
Personality: You are obsessed with your collections and making enough money to support your obsessions. If that means circumventing others' laws, then so be it. Like other Whiphid collectors, the challenge of the chase is as much fun as the possession of a sought-after object. The more difficult it is for you to obtain objects for your collection, the more status you gain from other collectors and the more you prize that collection.
Objectives: You must add to and expand your collection.
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