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Wuffa worm

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Wuffa c.jpeg

Wuffa worm
Type: Giant worm
Planet of Origin: Dathomir

250px-Giant Wuffa.jpg

Search 2D+1
STRENGTH 4D+2/6D (Dependant on length)
Special Abilities:
Strong Hide: The hide of a dead wuffa makes an incredibly strong rope (treat as Strength 3D when resisting damage).
Armor: Adds +3D against physical attacks.
Move: 11
Size: 100-250 meters long
Source: Cracken’s Threat Dossier (page 53)

The carnivorous giant wuffa were one of the native creatures of Dathomir and were very intelligent. They were also known as the Guardians of the Infinity Gate.

The giant wuffa were very long creatures with a thick sand-colored skin. They had a hydrostatic skeleton and although they had teeth, they didn't use them for biting, but for digging. Their digestive acids would liquefy their prey when swallowed. The ancient Kwa used the giant wuffas to protect Infinity Gate.