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Yeomets were small, disease-carrying omnivores which infested numerous urban worlds, space stations, and spaceships.

Many bureaucrats have attempted to recast the destructive tendencies of yeomets as benefits. There have been instances in outlying space stations where the station government has decreased its garbage disposal service upon hearing of the presence of yeomets, under the impression that the yeomets themselves would dispose of the excess refuse. Despite the fact that these incidents almost inevitably lead to tragedy (due to the ability of the yeomets to spread disease), rumors persist that scientists are working to develop yeomets that are even more efficient at consuming garbage, and could, ultimately, supplant all other methods of garbage disposal.

Type: Urban pest
Size: 60 centimeters tall
Move: 8
Scale: Character
Source: Creatures of the Galaxy p.91-92

Special Abilities:

Claws: Do STR +1D damage.
Disease Transmission: Characters bit by a yeomet must make a Moderate stamina or Strength roll to avoid becoming diseased. Diseased characters become wounded at the time of the onset of the disease (2D hours following the time of injury).
Teeth: Do STR +2D damage.

Members of the Jenet species, in particular, are known to enjoy keeping yeomets as pets.