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Revision as of 06:54, 22 December 2011 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (Assignment lists)
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ALL of the D6 Star Wars in one place. No one else will do it so why not here

Over the years that I have played the D6 Star Wars game I have been carrying a pile of books from house to house. Breaking my back in the process. 'NO MORE,' I said. This is a work taken up from the previous owner. This file was originally created back in 1997 by a gamer that i have lost in time, but it was the most complete that I could find and since WEG no longer owns the license to Star Wars and all contact information no longer was accurate I didn’t find the need to ask jack from anyone. I took the original file, which was in a Works Document format and converted it all to my beloved Word. And yes, there were a lot of corrections that needed to be made to clean it up.

This file had been cleaned up and had loads added to it. Including, if I may say, the most complete list of force powers in existence. The Word file was organized and even had links to allow easy searching. But, was still way too much for a simple document. So, more action needed to be made. I needed to get this in a more advanced data base of some kind. SO came the Wiki. I now take it upon myself to put all source material needed to play the Star Wars D6 game here in one place for easy searching, viewing, and game lawyering (is that a word). The original Wiki location was on the Wikia.com systems. This was going great for over a year. Until they decided to set in order a new layout forced onto all accounts and pages which included massive advertisements. Some of the sites like Wookiepedia had the main wallpaper of the site replaced by a huge picture advertising a new TV show. This was completely unacceptable to me and I would not subject my new friends to this. So now comes my biggest test ever. The largest test of my brain that has ever come up since I finished my turn at emergency medicine. I purchased a domain and hosting service to house the Holocron. I with no knowledge of any coding and/or programming took it upon myself to open a web site myself.

The new site and server are not going to be as pretty as before, and not as easy to add materials. But, that is a statement for now. If the past is any way of showing what can be done this new site will become what the Holocron was intended to be from the very start. I have proven that I can learn and figure out what I need done, and so will you. So get crackin and find that long lost D6 bag and original rule book from the glory days of WEG. And keep requests for D20 stats out of here as the material that was created by Wizards wasn’t worth JarrJarr poodoo. Just keep at least one out for Darth Lucas.

And thus, from the massive Word File was a Wiki born.

Assignment lists

Media Agents needed. these agents would be set to monitor social sites for d6 gaming information. one agent can be assigned to all of this or just individual/groups sites. list of sites to monitor below

Rancor pit http://www.rancorpit.com/forums/

weg fan forums http://www.wegfanforums.com/

The Force.net http://www.theforce.net/

Wookieepedia http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page

Starship deckplans http://www.colonialchrome.co.uk/