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Empress Teta

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Empress Teta from Space

Empress Teta (originally Koros)

Type: Terrestrial

Temperature: Temperate to Arctic

Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)

Hydrosphere: Dry

Gravity: Standard

Terrain: Plains, Mountains, Forests, Urban

Length of Day: 23,5 standard hours

Length of Year: 359 local days

Physical Diameter: 15,700 km

Sapient Species: Human

Starport: Stellar Class

Points of Interest: Aarrba's Repair and Salvage, Alderaan Museum of Fine Arts, Club Corellia, Coruscant Fashions, Great Library of Cinnagar, Hyperspace Navigator's Guildhouse, Iron Citadel & Monument to Lost Navigators

Population: 1.3 billion

Planet Function: Homeworld

Official Language: Basic

Government: Monarchy

Major Cities: Cinnagar (Capital)

Tech Level: Space

Major Exports: Carbonite

Major Imports: Raw Materials, Consumer Goods, Processed Foods

Affiliation: Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire, New Republic, Galactic Alliance

System: Empress Teta system

Sun: 1: Koros

Moons: 3

Sector: Teta sector

Region of Space: Deep Core

Empress Teta, formerly known as Koros Major, Koros, and also known as Cinnagar, was an ecumenopolis world in the Deep Core. It was named after the Koros system's ruler Empress Teta, who unified the system following the Unification Wars in 5,000 BBY.

It was the capital of Teta sector and was located on both the Koros Trunk Line and the Carbonite Run, and for a short time on the Daragon Trail. Empress Teta was the main hub of galactic civilization in the Deep Core and was also one of the few highly urbanized planets in the region to rival Coruscant itself in fashion and amenities.

Empress Teta was a city-planet located in the outer shell of the galaxy's Deep Core, directly galactic south of Coruscant. With over half its landmass covered by its capital Cinnagar, and vast reserves of carbonite that made the backbone of Empress Teta's economy, the planet was the center of galactic civilization in the Deep Core. Empress Teta was a wealthy and fashionable world, only slightly behind Coruscant itself in the amenities it offered. The ornate artistry of the world's architecture was admired, much of it having arisen in the reconstruction that followed the Great Hyperspace War.

Where the city had not grown, some areas of wildlife remained, including forests and plains. However, much of this unoccupied landmass was used for carbonite mining, the source of Empress Teta's wealth. The discovery of the valuable substance on the other six worlds of the Empress Teta system enabled the Mining Guild to do much of its business offworld, allowing the nonurbanized areas of Empress Teta to avoid the environmental damage that befell the other worlds of the system.

Traffic in the planet's skylanes and orbit was controlled centrally from the Cinnagar Space Traffic Control tower. Cinnagar Control directed ships leaving orbit, arranged for repairs to returning vessels, and kept wanted vessels and those taking unauthorized action in line with its own defense force of Koros Spaceworks interceptors.

Initially known as "Koros" or "Koros Major", the planet's name was changed following Empress Teta's unification of the system. The extent to which the capital Cinnagar covered the world also caused many to refer to the world itself as "Cinnagar", even in official documentation—a source of confusion at times.


  • Wookieepedia