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Coruscant (as of the rule of the Emperor Palpatine)
Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)
Hydrosphere: Moderate
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Urban Cityscape
Length of Day: 24 standard hours
Length of Year: 368 local days
Physical Diameter: 12,240 km
Sapient Species: Human (N) (78%) & various aliens (22%)
- Semi-sapient species Undercity: Coruscani Ogre, Cthon
- Non-sapient species Undercity: Granite Slug, Taozi
Starport: Imperial Class
Points of Interest: Calocour Heights, Central Gathering Hall, Column Commons, Coruscant Museum of Galactic Cultures, Eastport, EmPal SuRecon, Galactic Museum, Galaxies Opera House, Glitannai Esplanade, Holographic Zoo of Extinct Animals, Imperial Naval Academy, Imperial Palace, Jedi Temple, Manarai Heights, Manarai Mountains, Monument Plaza, Newport, Palpatine's Museum, Senate District, Senate Building, Skydome Botanical Gardens, The Works, University of Coruscant, West Championne, Western Sea & Westport
Population: 650 billion
Planet Function: Government, Administrative
Official Language: Basic
Government: Imperial Bureaucracy
Major Cities: Galactic City (alias Republic City, Coruscant City, Capital City, Imperial City, New Republic City) (Capital)
Tech Level: Space
Major Exports: Culture
Major Imports: Foodstuffs, Medicinal Goods
Affiliation: Battalions of Zhell, Infinite Empire, Herglic Trade Empire, Galactic Republic, Jedi Order, Black Sun, Corellian Empire, Galactic Empire, Order of the Sith Lords, New Republic, New Jedi Order, Empire Reborn, Yuuzhan Vong Empire, Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, Fel Empire, Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire, One Sith
System: Coruscant system
Sun: 1 - Coruscant Prime
Moons: Centax-1, Centax-2, Centax-3 & Hesperidium
Sector: Coruscant sector
Region of Space: Core Worlds
Coruscant has served as the seat of galactic government since the very first union of stars. In the days of the Old Republic, Coruscant was the seat of the Senate and its many supporting committees and organizations. The planet gets its name from the sparkling lights that illuminate the planet, even at night, making it seem like an immense, shining corusca stone from space.
When Palpatine brought his Empire to power, he chose Coruscant as the site of his Imperial Court, and built a monstrous palace around the Presidential Residence, itself an enormous subcity thousands of years old. Among some circles loyal to the Emperor's New Order, Coruscant is known as Imperial Center.
The surface cities of the planet are opulent in the extreme. Immense palatial mansions tower over parks, game reserves, entertainment centers, and business buildings. The entire planet is entirely covered in a dense network of buildings, plazas, roadways, and landing platforms several layers deep. Aside from the small seas, not an inch of the natural surface of Coruscant has been touched by sunlight in centuries.
Residents depend on innumerable imports of food and other necessities, although water is melted and pumped in from the planet's polar ice caps. Each building houses its own ecosystem. Some skyscrapers are little more than honeycombed apartments, while others sport enclosed rooftop gardens, starship landing bays, public areas, or combinations. Power plants and maintenance bays in each building's deep sub-basement help maintain acceptable atmospheric conditions, pump in water and siphon off waste materials. Vents from skyscrapers' heating and cooling systems produce microweather cells with air currents. Sometimes ventilation air condenses, creating clouds which hang low over portions of the city and occasionally produce small rain storms.
There are warrens and broken-down sectors deep in the bowels of Coruscant which haven't been visited by government representatives in hundreds of years. There are cities and communities deep underground, long forgotten by those closer to the surface, inhabited by refugees, outlaws, and worse. Still other areas are home to horrible feral creatures, who have established their own brutal ecosystem in the ducts, sewers, and accessways of the undercity.
Coruscant was a planet located in the Core Worlds. Located at the intersection of numerous major hyperlanes— including the Perlemian Trade Route, the Corellian Run, the Metellos Trade Route, the Koros Trunk Line, and the Leisure Corridor—its hyperspace coordinates were (0,0,0) which effectively made it the center of the galaxy. These coordinates also inspired the planet's military designation, "triple zero," though the actual galactic center was located in the Deep Core. As the de facto center of the galaxy, however, Coruscant was generally agreed to be the most important planet throughout most of galactic history, as well as being on of the wealthiest due to its advantageous location.
Coruscant served as the capital for the Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire, New Republic, Yuuzhan Vong Empire, Galactic Alliance, the Fel Empire, Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire, and the Galactic Federation Triumvirate. It also served at various times as the home of the Jedi Order and the Jedi Temple.
Travel Distances to Common Systems
Distance to Tatooine (Outer Rim) 22d/14h via Hyperspace on a moderate Astrogation difficulty
Distance to Bespin 6d/14h via Hyperspace on a moderate Astrogation difficulty.
Distance to Lianna (Allied Tion) 12d/14h via Hyperspace on a moderate Astrogation difficulty
- Wookieepedia