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Comm Slicker
Revision as of 12:44, 6 April 2011 by Marrabbecca (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{| border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 427px; height: 552px" | align="left" valign="top"| *'''''Character Name:''''' *'''''Type: ''''' Comm Slicker *'''''Gen...")
- Comlink, datapad, hold-out blaster (3D), 500 credits
- You have a gift. Open your mouth and you can convince almost anyone of almost anything. Most of the time. Whether you're face-to-face or yacking over the ship's comm, you make an honest impression no matter what kind of scam you're trying to pull off. At first, you used this gift to bilk people on your homeworld. When they caught on, you decided it was best to take your act on the road. You tagged along with a not-so-legitimate transport crew. At first they thought you were just annoying. But when you got the hang of the ship's communications equipment and started bluffing your way past Imperial Customs, they decided youhad some worth after all.
Now you're working a much more lucrative scam than you ever could have managed on your homeworld. You can work the comm and sensors boards like nobody's business. Given half the chance you could convince Coruscant traffic control you're flying the Emperor's personal shuttle (or so you believe).
- You're confident and mouthy. If you're not snowing some guy over the comm, you're blabbing to your mates.
- You try to get deeper into trouble, then fast-talk your way out of it. It's fun to con other people, especially when you and your smuggling crew can make more credits off it.
Connection With Characters:
- You might have hired on with any smuggler type. With your attitude, you'd certainly fit in well with a hot-shot pilot, classy smuggler or Wroonian captain.
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