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Species: Cathar
Home Planet: Cathar
The Cathar were a race of feline, bipedal humanoids native to Cathar, a planet of savannas and rough uplands. They were known for their loyalty, passion, and temper. Quick and powerful, they were considered great warriors and dedicated, efficient predators. Cathar had high moral values, learned from both family and society. Their females were prized as slaves, whereas the males were generally regarded as too uncontrollable for slavery.
Biology & Appearance:
The baseline Cathar had fur-covered bodies with thick manes. They had prominent, retractable claws that could deliver powerful killing attacks on foes and prey. Their bodies also possessed rapid healing abilities. On average, Cathar were 1.5 to 1.9 meters tall. These traits made them the perfect hand-to-hand specialists.
The Cathar species also had two additional subspecies, known as the Juhani and the Myr Rho. Both of these were notably less catlike than mainline Cathar. Cathar were born into a litter.
Society & Culture:
On their homeworld, Cathar lived in cities built into giant trees, and were organized into clans governed by "Elders." Stories of their great heroes were often carved into the trunks of these tree-homes for following generations to see. The Cathar mated for life, to the extent that when one mate died, the survivor never had a relationship with another. Cathar clan society included great pageants and celebrations, especially for their heroes. Their religion included a ritual known as the "Blood Hunt," in which Cathar warriors individually engaged in combat against entire nests of Kiltik in order to gain honor and purge themselves of inner darkness. The native language of the Cathar was Catharese, which included the emphasis of some spoken words with a growl.
The planet of Cathar was devastated by the Mandalorians during the Battle of Cathar, leading to the enslavement and near-extinction of the Cathar species. Over 90 percent of the species were killed by the Mandalorians in the battle. The few survivors were forced to flee offworld to survive. After the end of the Mandalorian Wars, Cathar began to resettle their world and by the time of the Galactic Civil War, it had fully recovered from the damage the Mandalorians had done.
Cathar in the Galaxy:
Force-sensitive Cathar often became Jedi, even though the Jedi way tended to be in opposition to their natural tendencies. Sylvar and her mate Crado were famous Jedi who fought in the Great Sith War. The story of Crado's fall to the dark side of the Force under the influence by Exar Kun was well-known to all Cathar, just as the story of Sylvar, who was able to turn away from the dark path and regain the Jedi way. Another Cathar Jedi of that era was Juhani, who traveled with Revan and assisted him in the destruction of the Star Forge. Famous Cathar Jedi during the Second Imperial Civil War were brothers Rasi Tuum, Ahn and Zho.
Average Cathar: Dexterity 2D+2, Knowledge 1D+2, Mechanical 2D, Perception 2D, Strength 2D, Technical 1D+2.
Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Abilities:
- Claws: Cathar have claws that do Strength +1D damage.
Story Factors:
- Tribes: There are 4 prominent tribes in this system, of different levels of technology. These tribes can range from 100,000 to 10,000,000.
- Klat: These are the most intelligent of the Catharians, and have set up numerous of space posts. They also manufacture ships for system defense, giving them a capable armada. These have a +1D advantage when flying their own ship.
- Dienar: These are the most primitive of all the tribes, and have a -2D with all technology, viewing most inventions above the spear with great distaste. They receive a +1D with all primitive weapons such as spears, slings, and melee combat. There is a rumor that this tribe uses the Force to hunt.
- Hunitar: These are the most adventurous of all Catharians. They have had the urge to follow the stars ever since the invention of space flight. These are the bounty hunters, the mercenaries, the freighters who view everything as a challenge, and are not above going into a pirate infested system.
- Kunthar: Most Kunthars have mild Force talents, not enough to worry the Emperor during the Clone Wars. They have used the Force to survive, but some, through genes and the like have become Jedi Knights. These are the only Force capable tribe in the Catharian system.
- Backround: In the time of the Clone Wars, most Catharians where hunted down as slaves, until a revolt was held, and most Catharians were freed. The tribes decided to band together, with the exception of the Dienar, and even these fierce cat-men are willing to save the life of a brother, even from a different tribe. A certain amount of earnings are given to the Catharian government for military needs, so that these creatures may remain neutral
- Government: Each tribe has a council of the strongest/smartest/most cunning leaders. Half are used as leaders and decisions makers, while half is are the representatives. The representatives have an even bigger council for the Catharians as a whole.
Description: The natives lived in city-trees, while wide areas of the planet were made barren by kiltik beetles.
The Giant horned hopper were often killed by the Cathar species in blood hunts.
The planet was conquered by the Mandalorians during the Battle of Cathar, leading to the enslavement and near-extinction of the Cathar species. The few survivors were forced to flee offworld to survive. After the end of the Mandalorian Wars Cathar began to resettle their world and by the time of the Galactic Civil War, it had fully recovered from the damage the Mandalorians had done. Prior to the planet's devastation, it was not a member of the Galactic Republic.
Cathar was conquered by the Yuuzhan Vong during the Yuuzhan Vong War. The invaders overran the planet prior to their attack on Coruscant in 27 ABY.
Move: 12/14
Size: 1.5-1.9 meters tall
Source: Wookieepedia (For the Cathar Description)
Note: The entry in the sourcebook lists Cathar as being "Small," yet this isn't reflected anywhere in the entry.