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Corellian Butterfly

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Planet of Origin: Corellia

DEX: 6D+2

  • Melee (stinger) 8D

PER: 7D+2

  • Hide 5D+2
  • Search 7D


  • Brawling 8D+1

Move: 14 (fly)
Size: approx 30 cm long, 60 cm wingspan

Special Abilities:

  • Stinger: Does Strength +1D damage. Venom causes nausea, stunned effect, vomiting and loss of co-ordination (-1D to dex and percept per hour, falling unconscious at 0 until cured.

Source: Wookieepedia https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Corellian_butterfly

The Corellian butterfly was a butterfly that lived in the swamps of Corellia. It had a long tail containing a stinger, and very large wings.