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Corellian Humbaba
Planet of Origin: Corellia
Special Abilities:
Bite: Does Strength +1D+1 damage.
Stamp: Does Strength +1D damage.
Move: 20
Size: 5 meters high
Orneriness: 2D
Source: Wookipedia https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Humbaba
The humbaba was a bovine animal native to a number of forest worlds, such as Corellia, Talus and Kashoon. Aarwynn was a notable mythological humbaba. Covered in dense fur, they were natural burrowers, making the soft swamp lands of their homeworlds an ideal habitat.
With four known sub-species the humbaba of Kashoon were short-legged, long-trunked creatures while the humbaba of Corellia and Talus were tall and similar in appearance to the falumpaset.