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Planet of Origin: Talus
DEX: 5D+2
- Melee 7D
PER: 4D+2
- Hide 5D+2
- Search 7D
STR: 6D+2
- Brawling 8D+1
- Climbing/Jumping 8D
Move: 16
Size: 2 to 3 meters tall, 2.5 meters on average.
Special Abilities:
- Bite: Does Strength +1D damage.
- Claw Attack: Strength +2D If successful on claw attack, will pull victim close enough to use stinger.
- Telson Stinger Strength +1D+1 with poison. poison in 1D6 rounds, palytic, complete paralasys. Each round paralysed, roll stamina each round, beginning diff 5, increase difficulty by 5 each round. when stamina failed, victim dies.
- Low Light Vision: A Dalyrake can see twice as far as a normal human in poor lighting conditions. Also can see underwater. Due to multiple eyes can see 360 degree range
- Track by Vibration: Dalyrakes receive a +3D bonus to Search: Tracking if Vibration can be used
Dalyrakes were multi-limbed arachnoids native to Talus, but also prevalent on Corellia. They lived both on land and in water, using two of their stalk-tentacles as lures for food animals, stabbing them with a poison barb when they approached. They primarily ate fish, small reptavians, and tabage. If cut, their hides secreted black toxin. Their meat was considered a delicacy. When they died, they instinctively lunged as a form of death-spasm.
A subspecies larger than the common dalyrakes was the giant dalyrake.
Source: Wookieepedia https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Dalyrake