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Gorryl slug

Dexterity 1D
Perception 2D
hide 3D+2
search 4D
Strength 1D+1climb 3D
envelop 3D+1
Special Abilities:Swallow Whole: If a gorryl makes a successful envelop attack against a man-sized or smaller creature (treat this like a brawling attack), it will swallow the target whole if its next attack is successful. Swallowed characters suffer 2D+2 damage each turn from acid each round until they are digested or are somehow freed. Move: 2 Size: 1.5-2.5 meters long

Source: SWG#4, sidebar, page 58

Gorryl slugs were indigenous to Kashyyyk. They were also called protoplasmic slugs.

They were large, carnivorous gastropods that hung from tree branches, waiting to fall upon prey below. Wrapping its body around the prey, a slug would smother its prey and exude digestive juices, dissolving its prey to absorb nutrients. It was not only surely lethal to be attacked and slowly eaten by this creature, but it was extremely slow and painful. Most of the creature's deadliness came from the fact that it was nearly impossible to remove from its prey once it had attached itself. They could grow to many times the length of a Wookiee. The slugs, usually brown in color, were excellently camoflauged against the wroshyr trees on which they lived.