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Neebray were flying, limbless creatures which varied greatly in size and habitat. They could be found on many worlds, such as Rugosa, Rishi Moon, Tatooine (where they sometimes circled over Jabba's Palace), and even in space, notably in the Kaliida Nebula along the Balmorra Run.


On the moon Rugosa, tiny baby neebray flew among the coral forests of the moon's long dried-up ocean beds. A moderately large variety had translucent wings, and could be found on a Rishi moon. The gigantic neebray manta lived in the vacuum of space, feeding on stellar gases. They used the Kaliida Nebula as nesting grounds.


During the Clone Wars, Shadow Squadron encountered a flock of neebray manta while navigating the Balmorra Run on their way through the Kaliida Nebula. A brush with one caused one of Matchstick's engine stabilizers to give out. This crippling would cause Matchstick and Tag's death during the Battle of the Kaliida Nebula. A brush with another neebray caused another pilot's astromech droid's dome to be knocked off, destroying it.

Physical Characteristics

Average Length: Various

Average Wingspan: Various

Skin Color: Orange (Rugosan variety) & Gray (Giant Kaliidan variety)

Hair Color: None

Eye Color: Black

Distinctions: Live in vacuum of space, long wings, limbless


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