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Pirate (Template)
Equipment: Flashy clothes, lots of rings and things, blaster pistol (4D), saber (STR+1D+1), comlink, vacuum suit, 2,000 credits
Background: You were just a kid when you were offered a position aboard a Starship; you jumped at the chance. Finally, a way off the hick planet where you grew up! You realized the ship was a little disreputable, but you hadn't realized you were hooking up with the genuine article — desperate, grizzled pirates thirsting for gold and the blood of innocents. "Arrr, matey" indeed. Well, it isn't quite like that, actually; pirates are not much like the vidshow stereotype. No one actually says, "Arrr, matey." Certainly no one wears an eyepatch or a plastic leg. And you've never known a pirate who made anyone "walk the airlock." After all, the point of piracy is to make a profit, not cause bloodshed. Atrocities might make a captured ship's crew resist. Imperial oppression has driven most of the small traders out of business. Independent spacers don't have many options: bankruptcy, retirement or ... piracy. The Empire creates pirates — and then destroys them. Most of your shipmates are in the spice mines of Kessel now. You barely escaped by the skin of your teeth. You plan to avenge them, somehow. You hope that one day you'll be the captain of your own ship — a privateer in the service of the Rebellion.
Personality: You wear colorful clothes and enjoy the notoriety of being a pirate. You like to laugh and carouse in a cheerfully amoral way. You're not exactly what people would call a role model... but you never volunteered for that job.
Objectives: To make a profit first and foremost, but undermining the Empire suits you just fine.
Connection With Characters: You might once have raided the ship of any of the other characters. A retired Imperial captain or bounty hunter might once have pursued you. A smuggler might have out-run you. "You might be related to a brash pilot or kid — or you might be the black sheep of a senatorial's family.
See also: Privateer Captain, Cyborged Pirate
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