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Retrieval's Old Republic Sourcebook

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This is a sourcebook in the making, listing and linking all Equipment and technology and other aspects specific to the Old Republic era as it appears in the Retrieval storyline. This is an on-going project - things will be added as they appear in the storyline as it is being played.


1st Degree Droids
  1. M3-M1 Medical Droid
2nd Degree Droids
  1. T3 Utility Droid
  2. X2-C3 Astromech Droid
3rd Degree Droids
Protocol Droids
  1. GE3 Protocol Droid
Business Droids
  1. B4-S Sabacc Dealer Droid
4th Degree Droids
Assassin Droids
  1. HK-24 Assassin Droid
Military Droids
  1. Sentinel Droid
Training Droids
  1. Training Remote
5th Degree Droids
  1. ASP-7 Worker Droid
  2. T1 Bulk Loader Droid (a.k.a. LB-series bulk loader droid)


Sith Empire
  1. Harrower Class Dreadnaught (capital ship)
Galactic Republic
  1. Corellian Consular-class (capital ship)
  2. Thranta-Class Corvette (capital ship)
  3. Wanderer-Class Transport (capital ship/freighter)
  1. Kazellis Light Freighter
  2. Khan - a modified Kazellis Light Freighter
Mandalorians / Bounty Hunters
  1. Subjugator (capital ship) I used the old Operation Starfall-Adventure in this Part of the Story to introduce a new PC and start a Mandalorian Sidestory.
  2. Davaab Mandalorian Starfighter (starfighter)


  1. Kolto tank


  1. Blaster Assault Rifle
  2. Sith Blaster Rifle
  1. Commando Special Rifle
  2. Repeating Blaster Carbine
Other Ranged Weapons
  1. Needler
  2. Ripper
Pulse Wave Weapons
Pulse wave weapons are often seen as the predecessor of blaster weapons. They were commonly in use c. 4000 BBY, but had been replaced by the first models of the standard blaster by 3956 BBY. They operate on similar principles to blasters, firing small packets of coherent energy at the target. The energy dissipates as it moves away from the weapon making it largely unsuited for long ranged engagements. This weapon, however, created a spatial distortion when fired, which altered atomic make-up and was thus deadly at close range. This effect was much like that of disruptor weapons. Despite this, pulse-wave weapons are generally less powerful than their blaster successors.
  1. Pulse Wave Pistol
  2. Pulse Wave Rifle
Sonic Weapons - sonic weapons cannot be deflected with a lightsaber
  1. Aural Blaster
  2. Heavy Sonic Pistol
  3. Sonic Disruptor Pistol
  4. Sonic Pistol
  5. Sonic Rifle
Special Weapons
  1. Carbonite Rifle
  2. Ion Carbine
  1. Adhesive Grenade
  2. Cryoban Grenade
  3. Remote Grenade

Melee Weapons
Brawling Weapons
  1. Mandalorian Stunning Gauntlet
Force Weapons
  1. Lightfoil
  2. Ancient Force-Sword - an extremely old and stange weapon discovered and lost in the Dark Temple of Dromund Kaas. It had a rusted metal blade, but when touched the metal fell away and the grip channeled the energy of a force sensitive holder into a blade of force.


  1. Republic Strategic Intelligence Service (SIS)