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Trianii Space
Trianii Space
Trianii Space was the region of the Wild Space inhabited by the Trianii, near the Corporate Sector. Planets in Trianii Space included Brochiib, Ekibo, Fibuli, Pypin, and Trian itself.
The Trianii Space was located in Wild Space, rimward of the Aparo sector and Farana sector, between the Corporate Sector and the Unknown Region. It was also near the Kobothi Space.
The Trianii Space was the region containing the Trianii's homeworld, Trian, and their colonies. This faraway region was a freestanding subsector, it was never part of the Galactic Republic or the Galactic Empire.
The Trianii Space was a regional rival of the Corporate Sector. The Corporate Sector Authority offered to annex it but the Trianii always refused. The CSA attempted to forcefully annex several Trianii colonies, but met resistance from the Trianii Rangers.
However it was conquered by warlord Zsinj in 7 ABY and stayed in his territory until his death in 8 ABY.