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Wookiee Bounty Hunter

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  • Character Name:
  • Type: Wookie Bounty Hunter
  • Gender/Species: Wookiee
  • Age:
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • A Quote: (Growl a lot, thump the table violently.) Translation: "Don't lie to me! Where're the rest of your slaving buddies hiding out?"

(See Note below)

  • Physical Description:
Character Picture here
  • Dexterity 3D+1
  • Bowcaster
  • Dodge
  • Melee Combat
  • Melee Parry
  • Perception 2D+1
  • Investigation
  • Search
  • Sneak
  • Knowledge 2D+1
  • Alien Species
  • Intimidation
  • Languages
  • Law enforcement
  • Streetwise
  • Survival
  • Strength 5D
  • Brawling
  • Climbing / Jumping
  • Lifting
  • Stamina
  • Mechanical 2D+1
  • Astrogation
  • Repulsorlift operation
  • Sensors
  • Space Transports
  • Starship Shields
  • Technical 2D+2
  • Blaster repair
  • Bowcaster repair
  • Demolitions
  • First Aid
  • Repulsorlift repair
  • Security
  • Space Transport Repair
  • Special Abilities
  • Berserker Rage: If a Wookiee becomes enraged, +2D to Strength for brawling damage. -2D to all non-Strength attribute and skill checks. Must make a Moderate Perception total to calm down (only -ID penalty to Perception for this check)
  • Climbing Claws: +2D to climbing while using claws.
  • Move 11
  • Force Sensitive?
  • Force Points
  • Dark Side Points
  • Character Points

Equipment: Wookiee Bowcaster (4D), datapad with current bounty postings, New Republic Bounty Hunter License, vibroblade (STR+1D+1), hunting knife (STR+1D), 1500 credits

Background: Slavers, sanctioned by the Empire, enslaved hundreds of thousands of your species. Selling Wookiees across the galaxy to perish in hellish work camps, they made a profit from your people's suffering. Now with the Empire shattered, the slaving has stopped, but the pain remains. You were once a slave yourself, but were rescued from captivity by fellow Wookiees who had managed to avoid capture. You now consider all enslaved Wookiees to be members of your clan. You are sworn to restore all enslaved Wookiees to freedom and hunt down those responsible for their capitivity. They will answer for their crimes.

Personality: You will accept any job involving a slaver. Relentless in your pursuit, even to the point of going into debt, you let nothing stand in your way once you've picked up the trail. You abide by the New Republic's rules concerning the caputre and treatment of those you pursue, but you can't help it if they resist. In fact, sometimes you hope they do.

Objectives: To find the slavers and their allies who profited by enslaving Wookiees.

Note: The player should be able to do a good impersonation of a Wookiee — sounding like Chewbacca is pretty important to successfully playing this character. Next, see if any of the characters speaks Wookiee — if you have a close friendship with one of the other characters, such as a smuggler, they can probably understand you pretty well. A protocol droid will almost always be able to understand you. If no one around speaks Wookiee, the characters will have to make language rolls to understand you (the easier the idea or concept, the lower the language difficulty). To say something, growl and have each character roll to see if they understand you. If they succeed, tell them what your character just said; if they fail, growl some more and play charades

Source: Heroes and Rogues

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