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Species: Wookiee
Home Planet: Kashyyyk

The Wookiees, whose name for themselves translated to the People of the Trees, were a species of hairy bipedal humanoids that were inhabitants of the planet Kashyyyk. One of the most noteworthy members of the species was Chewbacca, Han Solo's best friend and co-pilot, who played a vital role in the Galactic Civil War and afterwards.

Biology & Appearance:
The Wookiees' natural habitat was the dense forests of the planet Kashyyyk (though one source does contend that they were immigrants to this planet). Kashyyyk was covered with massive wroshyr trees, in which the Wookiees constructed their homes and cities. Reportedly, Wookiees were descended from tree-climbing mammals.

They had the ability to easily learn most languages. However, Wookiees lacked the vocal structure to speak anything other than their own languages.

Adult Wookiees were tall, in excess of two meters in height, and were covered with a uniform, mid-length coat of thick hair in various shades of brown. Although albino Wookiees were rare, they were not unheard of. However, such a birth was generally held to be a bad omen, as white hair did not blend in with the earth-tones of their forest surroundings.

Young Wookiees (pups) were large at birth (averaging slightly less than one meter). Wookiees possessed vicious-looking retractable claws for climbing. Female Wookiees had six breasts and gave birth to live-born young, with their gestation period nearly a year long. After birth, a Wookiee grew very fast, fully conscious and able to walk unassisted within one standard year. The average lifespan of Wookiees was around 600 years. In spite of their bestial appearance, Wookiees were highly intelligent and had mastered advanced technology, including hyperspace travel. Wookiees also possessed exceptional skill in mechanical repair. An old saying was "Give a Wookiee a knife and send him into a forest in the morning, and by evening he would have carved you a table to eat dinner on - and a house to put it in."

Wookiees were often short-tempered. When Chewbacca complained about a move in a game of dejarik that R2-D2 had made during their initial trip to Alderaan, Han Solo told C-3PO that it was not a good idea to upset a Wookiee—because an upset Wookiee would tear a person's arms out of their sockets. Despite their temper and great strength, Wookiees were usually gentle and affectionate with their friends and family. Wookiees were also among the variety of species that could develop asthma.

Society & Culture:
One of the most well-known Wookiee traditions was the life debt. When a Wookiee's life was saved by someone else, even a non-Wookiee, they would frequently devote themselves to a lifetime of service to their savior and their family. Chewbacca's life debt to Han Solo, later extended to his family and his close friends, is one of the most famous examples of a Wookiee life debt.

The most common Wookiee language was Shyriiwook. While they were capable of understanding Basic, they were universally incapable of speaking it due to their unique vocal structure. Shyriiwook was a language which was hard to hear and understand for Humans, but one Wookiee, Ralrracheen, had a speech impediment that made it easier for non-Wookiees familiar with Shyriiwook to understand him.

Wookiees possessed a fierce style of fighting, typically eschewing standard blasters and grenades in favor of bladed weapons, such as ryyk blades, as with the Berserkers, and powerful bowcasters—weapons physically weaker species could not use effectively.

Their fierce fighting style served as the basis of the Deal-slang expression "wookinate" which referred to the rendering harmless an enemy using excessive force, obviously referring to the great physical strength that provided the essence of Wookiee combat.

Under the Wookiee code of honor, claws were never to be used in combat. A Wookiee who used his or her claws for combat would be labeled a "madclaw" and exiled. Around the age of twelve, young Wookiees underwent the coming-of-age Hrrtayyk ceremony.

Attribute Dice: 12D

Special Abilities:
Berserker Rage: A Wookiee who becomes enraged (the character must believe himself or those to whom he has pledged a life debt to be in immediate, deadly danger) receives a +2D bonus to Strength for purposes of causing damage while brawling (the character's braw/ing skill is not increased). The character suffers a -2D penalty to all non-Strength attribute and skill checks. The Wookiee must make a Moderate Perception to calm down from berserker rage while enemies are still present. The Wookiee suffers a -1D penalty to Perception and rolls a minimum of 1D for the check (therefore, while most Wookiees are enraged, they will normally have to roll a 6 with their Wild Die to be able to calm down).Please note that this penalty applies to enemies. After all enemies have been eliminated, the character must only make an Easy perception total (with no penalties) to calm down.

Wookiee player characters must be careful when using Force points while in a berserker rage. Since the rage is clearly based on anger and aggression, using Force Points will almost always lead to the character getting a Dark Side Point. The use of the Force Point must be wholly justified not to incur a Dark Side Point.

Climbing Claws: Wookiees have retractable climbing claws which are used for climbing only. They add +2D to their climbing skill while using the claws. Any Wookiee who uses claws in hand-to hand combat is automatically considered dishonorable by other members of his species, possibly to be hunted down — regardless of the circumstances.

Story Factors:
Reputation: Wookiees are widely regarded as fierce savages with short tempers. Most people will go out of their way not to enrage a Wookiee.

Enslaved: Prior to the defeat of the Empire, almost all Wookiees were enslaved by the Empire, and there was a substantial bounty for the capture of "free" Wookiees.

Language: Wookiees cannot speak Basic, but they all understand it. Nearly always, they have a close friend who they travel with who can interpret for them ... though a Wookiee's intent is seldom misunderstood.

Honor: Wookiees are honor-bound. They are fierce warriors with a great deal of pride and they can be rage-driven, cruel and unfair — but they have a code of honor. They do not betray their species — individually or as a whole. They do not betray their friends or desert them. They may break the "law," but never their code. The Wookiee code of honor is as stringent as it is ancient. Atonement for a crime against their honor code is nearly impossible — it is usually only achieved posthumously. But Wookiees falsely accused can be freed of their dishonor, and there are legends of dishonored Wookiees "coming back." But those are legends ...

See Also:

Move: 11/15
Size: 2.0-2.3 meters tall
Source: Star Wars: The Role-Playing Game (2nd Edition - p.137-138)