Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))
Wookiee First Mate
Equipment: Bowcaster (4D), 250 credits
Background: You were enslaved by the Empire and headed for a horrible fate when some young hotshot decided to save you. You decided he was a decent guy and signed on as his co-pilot. Since then you've had a lot of rough-and-tumble adventures, but you two have never turned your backs on each other - he's someone you can count on.
Personality: You're big, furry and hate to lose. You get angry very easily and get a lot of respect from people - mostly out of fear.
Objectives: To bring freedom to your home planet.
Connection With Characters: You may have a life debt with a smuggler or brash pilot, or agreed to help a merc hunt down Imperials or slavers. Any player character with a ship will be able to use a co-pilot.
Note: The player should be able to do a good impersonation of a Wookiee — sounding like Chewbacca is pretty important to successfully playing this character. Next, see if any of the characters speaks Wookiee — if you have a close friendship with one of the other characters, such as a smuggler, they can probably understand you pretty well. A protocol droid will almost always be able to understand you. If no one around speaks Wookiee, the characters will have to make language rolls to understand you (the easier the idea or concept, the lower the language difficulty). To say something, growl and have each character roll to see if they understand you. If they succeed, tell them what your character just said; if they fail, growl some more and play charades.
Source: Star Wars Gamemaster Screen Revised
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