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Drafts of anything that I may come up with...
[hide]New Skills
Crystal Farming
Attribute: Knowledge
Time Taken: One hour to several months and more
Specializations: speed-growth, specific purpose crystals, etc.
This skill can be used to seed, grow and take care of crystals in all their forms. It is more an Art than a practical method and requires a lot of time to use. The character also knows about the various kinds of crystals throughout the galayy and how to grow crystals with various special effects - the crystal can have any shape, it can absorb and emit energy (usually sound or light), it can have resonance effects, etc. It can be used as an art form. A failed roll results in a fragile crystal that does not have the intended shape and does not have the intended properties. At GM discretion they crystal may look intact, but will fail or break during first use or may have other undesirable effects.
- Very Easy - grow a crystal in a specific colour or shape
- Easy - grow a crystal with a minor special effect (light or sound)
- Moderate - grow a medicinal crystal
- Difficult - grow a crystal that changes one energy form to another or a simple mechanical component
- Very Difficult - grow an average mechanical or electronic component
- Heroic - grow a complex mechanical or electronic component
- there could also be an advanced skill: Crystal Engineering used by the Skek to create weapons and other Crystech(TM) equipment.
... and this may be the foundation of a "new" force power (originally used by the UrSkek):
New Force Powers
Crystallize Force
Required Powers: Emptiness, Concentration,
Skill: Alter
Difficulty: varies, but at least Difficult
This is an old UrSkek power that was rediscovered by the Skek and later rediscuvered by the UrRu. It allows to manifest Force in crystaline form. All by itself that does not really do much, because in crystal form Force is practically inert. But it can also be highly dangerous if handled incorrectly, with strange und completely unknown side effects. Together with some other skills or Force powers such crystals may have specific effects at the GMs discretion, basically depending on how the crystal was formed...
Similar to Concentration, but lets the user focus on several actions to be used consecutively.
- Required Powers: Concentration
- Skills: Control, Alter
- Control Difficulty:
- Easy if the Jedi is relaxed and at peace
- Difficult if the Jedi is filled with aggression, fear or other negative emotions
- Very Difficult if the Jedi is acting on those negative emotions.
- Alter Difficulty:
- Easy for a 1D bonus
- Moderate for a 2D bonus
- Difficult for a 3D bonus
- Very Difficult for a 4D bonus
- Heroic for a 5D bonus
- Time Required: 1 full round of concentration without doing anything else per action/skill roll planned.
Effect: To use this power the Jedi first selects a number of actions and their order that will be performed following the use of this power. The maximum number of actions that can be included in the Preparation is equal to the number of dice (dropping any pips) of the Jedi's Control skill. Actions must be performed in panned order, except for defensive reactions that can be freely interspersed in case of combat actions. The planned actions can be performed in a single round (multi-action penalties apply normally) or in consecutive ones (or a combination thereof) and all get the bonus until the planned sequence ends or the Jedi is stunned, incapacitated, restrained or otherwise prevented from following up on the planned sequence.
The difficulty of the Control roll is increased by one level for each Dark Side Point that the character has.
The Sweeping Spiral
(an UrTek-Ná technique)
- Required Powers: UrTek-Ná
- Restrictions: can only be used while the UrTek-Ná power is "up"
- Alter Difficulty: Opponent's Dex, Dodge or Brawling Parry roll
Effect: drops multiple opponents to the ground... ... affects all opponents within a number of meters equal to the number of dice of the Jedi's Alter skill ...
Various Ideas
Precise Movement
- Control Difficulty: Easy
- This power can be kept "up"
While this power is up the Jedi has a very sure step and treads exactly the way he intends to. This means he has a +4D bonus to balance acts, to resist tripping, slipping or any shoving, pushing, etc. to make him fall over or down or to keep his balnce. It also grants a +2D bonus for stealthy movement.
- OR
- Requirements: UrTek-Ná, Control: 3D
The power has not to be kept up, but is considered to be in effect constantly after this power is learned. The Jedi can use his Control dice instead of his attribute dice whenever making a roll for balancing or keeping from falling.
- Required Powers: ...
- Sense Difficulty: Moderate
- Alter Difficulty:
- Difficult increases all difficulties to detect the Jedi by +5
- Very Diufficult increases difficulties to detect the Jedi by +10
- Heroic increases the difficulties by +15
- This power can be kept "up"
- Bends light around the Jedi making it harder to detect her by sight. The modifiers apply to beings that operate primarily by sight. For other beings other modifiers may apply and there are no modifiers for other senses.
Adiabatic Shield
- Required Powers: Telekinesis
- Alter Difficulty: ???
Adiabatic shield was a Force power. The user manipulated the air around them to function as a shield of sorts. While this shield did not protect the user from blaster fire or impact with solid objects, it could disperse gases and airborne chemicals that could affect the user. A user could use this power to disperse smoke, poisonous vapors like chlorine, or more subtle chemicals like airborne pheromones.
- Difficulty levels
- affects only the Jedi - Easy
- 1m radius - Moderate
- 3m radius - Difficult
- 10m radius - Very Difficult
may be modified by gasses special properties and exterior pressure.
→ ???
- Source: Wookieepedia Adiabatic shield
Bend Matter
- Resquired Powers: Telekinesis
- Alter Difficulty:
- liquid matter - very easy (but only holds form while power is being kept up)
- mellable matter (clay, modelling plastics, etc. )- easy
- hard matter (wood, base metals) - moderate
... ????
Effect: The Jedi applies telekinetic force on an object in order to push it into another shape. ...
Playing Dejarik
- → Dejarik
Playing Sabacc
House Rules
just thoughts ...