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'''Name''': K't'inga<br />'''Craft''': Klingon Empire K't'inga-Class Battle Cruiser (2350)<br />'''Type''': Cruiser<br />'''Year Commissioned''': 2350 (Earth Reckoning)<br />'''Scale''': capital<br />'''Length''': 349.54 x 251.76 x 98.41 meters<br />'''Skill''': capital ship pilot<br />'''Crew''': 347; Skeleton: 35/+10<br />'''Passengers''': 800<br />'''Cargo Capacity''': 50,000 metric tons<br />'''Consumables''': 2 years<br />'''Warp Drive''': 6 / 9 / 9.6 (9 Hours)<br />'''Nav Computer''': yes<br />'''Maneuverability''': 3D<br />'''Space''': 8.5<br />'''Defenses''':
'''Name''': K't'inga<br />'''Craft''': Klingon Empire K't'inga-Class Battle Cruiser (2350)<br />'''Type''': Cruiser<br />'''Scale''': capital<br />'''Length''': 349.54 x 251.76 x 98.41 meters<br />'''Skill''': capital ship pilot<br />'''Crew''': 347; Skeleton: 35/+10<br />'''Passengers''': 800<br />'''Cargo Capacity''': 50,000 metric tons<br />'''Consumables''': 2 years<br />'''Warp Drive''': 6 / 9 / 9.6 (9 Hours)<br />'''Nav Computer''': yes<br />'''Maneuverability''': 2D<br />'''Space''': 7<br />'''Hull''': 4D<br />'''Shields''': 8D+2<br />[[Star Trek Starship Sensor Systems|'''Sensors''']]
*'''Hull''': 4D+1
:'''High Resolution'''
*'''Structural Integrity Field''': 3D+2
:*Passive: 10 / 4D+1
*'''Shields''': 3D+1
:*Scan: 35 / 5D
:*'''Back-up Shields''': 1D+1
:*Search: 50 / 5D+2
:*Focus: 5 / 6D+1
*Passive: 45/2D+2
:'''Low Resolution'''
*Scan: 135/3D+1
:*Passive: 35 / 3D+1
*Search: 190/4D
:*Scan: 100 / 4D
*Focus: 15/4D+2
:*Search: 140 / 4D+2
:*Focus: 10 / 5D+1
*'''Type XI Disruptor Cannon'''
*'''[[Star Trek Starship Disruptors|Type XI Disruptor Cannon]]'''
: Fire Arc: forward<br />Crew: 1<br />Scale: capital<br />Skill: capital ship gunnery<br />Fire Control: 3D+1 standard; 2D+1 pulse<br />Space Range: 1-15/50/150<br />Rate of fire: 5<br />Damage: 8D standard; 9D pulse
: Fire Arc: 360 degrees forward<br />Location: forward<br />Crew: 1<br />Scale: capital<br />Skill: capital ship gunnery<br />Fire Control: 2D+1<br />Space Range: 1-15/50/150<br />Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse<br />Rate of fire: 5<br />Damage: 8D
*'''5 Type IX Disruptor Arrays'''
: Fire Arc: 2 port, 2 starboard, 1 aft<br />Crew: 1<br />Scale: capital<br />Skill: capital ship gunnery<br />Fire Control: 3D+1 standard; 2D+1 pulse<br />Space Range: 1-15/50/150<br />Rate of fire: 3<br />Damage: 6D+2 standard; 7D+2 pulse
*'''2 Torpedo Launchers'''
: Fire Arc: 1 forward, 1 aft<br />Crew: 1<br />Scale: capital<br />Skill: capital ship gunnery<br />Fire Control: 4D+1<br />Space Range: 1-150/500/1,750<br />Ammo: 100 Type II Photon Torpedoes carried<br />Rate of fire: 6<br />Damage: 6D+2
*'''4 Tractor Beams'''
: Fire Arc: 1 forward, 1 aft, 2 in the auxiliary craft bays<br />Crew: 1<br />Scale: capital<br />Skill: capital ship gunnery<br />Fire Control: 3D+2<br />Space Range: 1-3/5/10<br />Rate of fire: 1<br />Damage: 3D (forward, aft); 2D (auxiliary craft bays)
*'''[[Star Trek Starship Disruptors|5 Type IX Disruptor Arrays]]'''
*Auto Pilot: Sensors: 3D; Capital Ship Pilot: 3D; Capital Ship Shields: 3D; Communications: 3D; Command: 2D; Capital Ship Gunnery: 4D
: Fire Arc: 2x 360 degrees dorsal, 2x 360 degrees ventral, 1x 360 degrees aft<br />Location: 2 starboard "wing," 2 port "wing," aft<br />Crew: 1<br />Scale: capital<br />Skill: capital ship gunnery<br />Fire Control: 2D+1<br />Space Range: 1-15/50/150<br />Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse<br />Rate of fire: 3<br />Damage: 6D+2
*Auxiliary Power: 3 reactors @ 1D+2
*Computer Cores: 2
*'''[[Star Trek Starship Photon Torpedoes|2 Photon Torpedo Launchers]]'''
**Astrogation Bonus: +2D
: Fire Arc: 1 forward, 1 aft; but are self guided<br />Location: forward, aft<br />Crew: 1<br />Scale: capital<br />Skill: capital ship gunnery<br />Fire Control: 2D+1<br />Space Range: 1-150/500/1,750<br />Ammunition: 100 Type II Photon Torpedoes total<br />Spread: 6<br />Damage: 6D+2
*Cloaking Device: +30 difficulty to detect ship while cloaked. No shields and no weapons.
*'''[[Star Trek Starship Tractor Beams|2 Class Gamma Tractor Beams]]'''
: Fire Arc: 1 forward, 1 aft<br />Location: forward, aft evntral<br />Crew: 1<br />Scale: capital<br />Skill: capital ship gunnery<br />Fire Control: 2D+1<br />Space Range: 1-4/7/10<br />Rate of fire: 1<br />Strength: 5D
*'''[[Star Trek Starship Tractor Beams|2 Class Alpha Tractor Beams]]'''
: Fire Arc: auxiliary craft bays x2<br />Location: auxiliary craft bays<br />Crew: 1<br />Scale: Starfighter<br />Skill: capital ship gunnery<br />Fire Control: 2D<br />Space Range: 1-4/7/10<br />Rate of fire: 1<br />Strength: 6D+2
*Auxiliary Power: 3 reactors @ 1D+2 each
*[[Star Trek Starship Computers|Computer Systems]]: 2
::*Communications Bonus: +1D
:*Navigational Computers: Class 3
::*Astrogation Bonus: +2D
::*Backup Nav Computers: 2
:*Cargo Holds: 50,000 cubic meters
:*Cargo Locations: 8 locations throughout ship
*[[Star Trek Starship Cloaking Devices|Cloaking Device]]: Class 6
*Crew Quarters:
:*Barracks: House 840 crewmembers
:*Spartan: 120
:*Basic: 75
:*Expanded: 30
:*Luxury: 8
:*Unusual: 5
*Decks: 20
*Decks: 20
*Escape Pods: 160
:*Capacity per Pod: 8
*[[Star Trek Starship Flight Control Systems|Flight Control System]]: 3D+2
*[[Star Trek Starship Outer and Inner Hull Structures|Hull]]: 4D
:*Base Structure: 2D
:*Outer Hull: 1D
:*Inner Hull: 1D
*Maximum Life Support: 6,540
*Maximum Life Support: 6,540
*Medical Facilities: 4
*Medical Facilities: 4
:*First Aid Bonus: +1D
:*First Aid Bonus: +1D
*Science Labs: 17
*Science Labs: 17
*Secondary Structural Integrity Field: 1D
:*Scientific Skill Bonus: +D
*Tertiary Structural Integrity Field: 1D
*[[Star Trek Starship Deflector Shields|Shields]]: 8D+2
:*Shield Threshold: 2D
:*Shield Generator: Class 4, Type C
:*Shield Generators: 4
:*Backup Shield Generators: 4
:*Recharging System: Class 1
*Ship Mass: 760,000 metric tons
*[[Star Trek Starship Structural Integrity Fields|Structural Integrity Field]]: 2D+1 / 3D+2
:*Secondary Structural Integrity Field: 1D
:*Tertiary Structural Integrity Field: 1D
Year Commissioned: 2350s (Earth Reckoning)
Line 49: Line 87:
*Shuttle Craft: 10
*Shuttle Craft: 10
*Probes: 30
*Probes: 30
*Escape Pods: 160
:*Capacity: 8 persons per pod

Revision as of 20:26, 29 September 2016

K't'inga Class.jpg

Name: K't'inga
Craft: Klingon Empire K't'inga-Class Battle Cruiser (2350)
Type: Cruiser
Scale: capital
Length: 349.54 x 251.76 x 98.41 meters
Skill: capital ship pilot
Crew: 347; Skeleton: 35/+10
Passengers: 800
Cargo Capacity: 50,000 metric tons
Consumables: 2 years
Warp Drive: 6 / 9 / 9.6 (9 Hours)
Nav Computer: yes
Maneuverability: 2D
Space: 7
Hull: 4D
Shields: 8D+2

High Resolution
  • Passive: 10 / 4D+1
  • Scan: 35 / 5D
  • Search: 50 / 5D+2
  • Focus: 5 / 6D+1
Low Resolution
  • Passive: 35 / 3D+1
  • Scan: 100 / 4D
  • Search: 140 / 4D+2
  • Focus: 10 / 5D+1


Fire Arc: 360 degrees forward
Location: forward
Crew: 1
Scale: capital
Skill: capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D+1
Space Range: 1-15/50/150
Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse
Rate of fire: 5
Damage: 8D
Fire Arc: 2x 360 degrees dorsal, 2x 360 degrees ventral, 1x 360 degrees aft
Location: 2 starboard "wing," 2 port "wing," aft
Crew: 1
Scale: capital
Skill: capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D+1
Space Range: 1-15/50/150
Firing Modes: Standard, Pulse
Rate of fire: 3
Damage: 6D+2
Fire Arc: 1 forward, 1 aft; but are self guided
Location: forward, aft
Crew: 1
Scale: capital
Skill: capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D+1
Space Range: 1-150/500/1,750
Ammunition: 100 Type II Photon Torpedoes total
Spread: 6
Damage: 6D+2
Fire Arc: 1 forward, 1 aft
Location: forward, aft evntral
Crew: 1
Scale: capital
Skill: capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D+1
Space Range: 1-4/7/10
Rate of fire: 1
Strength: 5D
Fire Arc: auxiliary craft bays x2
Location: auxiliary craft bays
Crew: 1
Scale: Starfighter
Skill: capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-4/7/10
Rate of fire: 1
Strength: 6D+2


  • Communications Bonus: +1D
  • Navigational Computers: Class 3
  • Astrogation Bonus: +2D
  • Backup Nav Computers: 2
  • Cargo
  • Cargo Holds: 50,000 cubic meters
  • Cargo Locations: 8 locations throughout ship
  • Barracks: House 840 crewmembers
  • Spartan: 120
  • Basic: 75
  • Expanded: 30
  • Luxury: 8
  • Unusual: 5
  • Decks: 20
  • Escape Pods: 160
  • Capacity per Pod: 8
  • Base Structure: 2D
  • Outer Hull: 1D
  • Inner Hull: 1D
  • Maximum Life Support: 6,540
  • Medical Facilities: 4
  • First Aid Bonus: +1D
  • Science Labs: 17
  • Scientific Skill Bonus: +D
  • Shield Threshold: 2D
  • Shield Generator: Class 4, Type C
  • Shield Generators: 4
  • Backup Shield Generators: 4
  • Recharging System: Class 1
  • Secondary Structural Integrity Field: 1D
  • Tertiary Structural Integrity Field: 1D

Year Commissioned: 2350s (Earth Reckoning)


  • Personnel: 3
  • Range: 40,000 km
  • Capacity: 6 persons
  • Emergency: 3
  • Range: 15,000 km
  • Capacity: 16 persons
  • Cargo: 2
  • Range: 40,000 km
  • Capacity: 400 kg


  • Shuttle Craft: 10
  • Probes: 30