Due to issues with fake accounts being created all account creation is now managed by the Systems Operator and Manager of the D6 Holocron. If you wish to have an account created at all please be sure to E-mail bsdoblivion@d6holocron.com with your requested alias. (((>*.*<)))

Difference between revisions of "Dragoon War Droid"

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(Created page with "thumb '''Name''': DWD Series (Dragoon War Droid)<br />'''Type''': Class Four / Infantry / Assault Droid<br />'''Species''': Droid<br />'''Height''': 2...")
Line 196: Line 196:
| style="text-align: center;" |Extra Ammo Cannister
| style="text-align: center;" |Extra Ammo Cannister
| style="text-align: center;" |Both Shoulders
| style="text-align: center;" |Any
| style="text-align: center;" | -
| style="text-align: center;" | -
| style="text-align: center;" | -
| style="text-align: center;" | -
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*Unless otherwise stated, each system only takes up one slot.
*Shoulder mounted weaponry can retract and hang backwards over the back for better maneuverability.
*Shoulder mounted weaponry can retract and hang backwards over the back for better maneuverability.

Latest revision as of 08:15, 25 May 2022


Name: DWD Series (Dragoon War Droid)
Type: Class Four / Infantry / Assault Droid
Species: Droid
Height: 2.46 meters
Weight: 282kg
Gender: N/A

Dexterity: 6D

  • Blaster: 8D
  • Blaster Artillery: 8D
  • Brawling Parry: 8D
  • Dodge: 8D
  • Grenade: 8D
  • Melee Combat: 8D
  • Melee Parry: 8D
  • Missile Weapon: 8D
  • Running: 8D
  • Thrown Weapon: 8D
  • Vehicle Blasters: 8D

Knowledge: 1D

  • Alien Species: 3D
  • Intimidation: 6D
  • Languages: 3D
  • Law Enforcement: 3D
  • Tactics: 6D
  • Willpower: 6D

Mechanical: 4D

  • Communications: 6D
  • Ground Vehicle Operation: 6D
  • Hover Vehicle Operation: 6D
  • Repulsorlift Operation: 6D
  • Sensors: 6D

Perception: 6D

  • Command: 8D
  • Hide: 6D
  • Search: 6D
  • Sneak: 6D

Strength: 8D

  • Brawling: 8D
  • Climbing/Jumping:8D
  • Lifting: 8D
  • Stamina: 8D

Technical: 4D

  • Blaster Repair: 4D
  • Computer Programming/Repair: 4D
  • Demolitions: 8D
  • Droid Programming: 4D
  • Droid Repair: 4D
  • First Aid: 4D
  • Ground Vehicle Repair: 4D
  • Hover Vehicle Repair: 4D
  • Repulsorlift Repair: 4D
  • Security: 8D

Move: 15; Repulsorlift 30, 1,000m height


  • Complex personality matrix capable of learning
  • Vocabulator
  • Heavy Reinforced Armor Plating (STR+4D resist damage all locations)
  • Insulated Chassis (STR+4D resist ion damage)
  • Primary Power Supply (480 hours)
  • Backup Battery (240 hours)
  • Droid scomp link
  • Environmental compensator
  • Jump servos (+2D jumping)
  • Heavy lifting servos (+2D lifting)
  • Locked access (heroic (30) security difficulty to gain access)
  • Repulsorlift: uses 4 hours of power for every hour used.
  • Magnetic feet
  • Memory backup
  • Redundant systems
  • Holo cam
  • Holo projector
  • Internal automap
  • Internal comlink
  • Broad band communications antenna
  • Concealed “wolverine” claws (STR+3D damage)


  • Search +5D, 500 meter range
  • Full visual spectrum sensors
  • Combat targeting systems, Fire Control +3D to any linked weapon

Universal Mounts

  • 2 right forearm
  • 2 left forearm
  • 1 rear of right shoulder
  • 1 rear of left shoulder
Optional Systems Location Ammo Range Damage/Effects
Light Blaster Any 100 3-7/25/50m 3D
Medium Blaster Any 50 3-7/25/50m 4D
Heavy Blaster Any 25 3-7/25/50m 5D
Light Repeating Blaster Any 50 3-75/200/500m 6D
Medium Repeating Blaster Shoulder 25 3-75/200/500m 7D
Heavy Repeating Blaster Shoulder 10 3-75/200/500m 8D
Light Anti-Vehicle Laser Cannon Shoulder 25 10-500/2,000/10,000m 6D+2
Medium Anti-Vehicle Laser Cannon Shoulder 10 10-500/2,000/10,000m 7D+2
Heavy Anti-Vehicle Laser Cannon Shoulder 5 10-500/2,000/10,000m 8D+2
Missile Launcher Shoulder 2 10-500/2,000/10,000m 8D
Grenade Launcher Any 10 5-25/100/250m 5D
Line Caster Any 500m 1-10/20/50m -
Flame Thrower Forearm 20 5-10/20/50m 5D+3D per round for 5 rounds
Saw Forearm - - STR+4D
Shield 1.5m x 2.0m Forearm - - Damage Resist+4D
Winch Any - - 2,500kg capacity
Extra Ammo Cannister Any - - Doubles Ammo for 2 weapons or quadruples ammo for 1 weapon
Repulsorlift Booster Both Shoulders - - Doubles usage time
Long Range Sensor Pack Both Shoulders - - Sensor range x10
Extra Power Supply Any - - 24 hour emergency power supply
Stealth Systems All Locations - - Sneak and Hide +4D


  • Unless otherwise stated, each system only takes up one slot.
  • Shoulder mounted weaponry can retract and hang backwards over the back for better maneuverability.

Background: The DWD Series of droids was created by an Artificial Intelligence gone rogue. They were designed to wipe out all sentient life to allow the emergence and growth of Artificial Intelligence. The Imperial Invasion force knew nothing about the droids or the A.I. They knew only that the planet was in full rebellion against the Galactic Empire. The planet had a weakened defense force as a result of the A.I. taking over the planet. Only four DWD's were activated prior to the beginning of the orbital bombardment. The A.I. chose the flee the planet with several DWD's. The small craft was struck by several Turbolaser blasts and was destroyed in atmosphere. Several years later treasure hunters came to pick the bones of the planet. They found a small room with five Dragoons in standby mode. They accidentally woke them up. The ensuing battle crippled or destroyed half the treasure hunters. They barely won out by blasting the area with proton torpedoes en-masse. One of the treasure hunters that had been 'destroyed' was a droid. He activated his signal beacon and a pirate friend came to assist. Upon arrival the pirate found the remains of his droid friend and found a semi intact chamber housing the mostly intact remains of a Dragoon War Droid. The pirate left with his friend the DWD remians. To ensure that no others came back to the planet, the pirate destroyed the systems star without destroying the planets. Afterwards the pirate merged the remains of both droids together creating the only known DWD to exist.


  • thedemonapostle