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Bacrana Orbital Spacedock A (BOD-A)

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Bacrana Shipyards

The Bacrana Shipyards are the latest addition to the Imperial Navy in Brak sector. When completed, the shipyards will be able to accommodate up to 15 capital ships up to the size 01 Imperial Star Destroyers. These facilities will be the largest for several sectors. Currently, eight spacedocks are in operation, the largest being Bacrana Orbital Spacedock A, or "BOD-A."

Construction of the remaining facilities continues, and the Navy hopes to have the first Star Destroyer docks finished by the end of the year.

The new shipyards are located in the Bacrana system to provide maximum protection for the yards and their helpless drydocked starships. As the sector's capital and a fleet staging area, Bacrana always has a fleet of Imperial capital ships within the system for immediate action. The actual number of combat ships varies greatly depending upon the activity of the nearby staging area. Additional supporting fire can come from the planet's ion cannons, fighters from Bacrana's garrisons, as well as the spacedocks themselves. All of these factors make the shipyards a difficult target for Rebel assaults.

Even though only half completed, the shipyards are already abuzz with activity. Continuous dock operations require a steady stream of freighters and shuttles to move workers, equipment, and supplies between the stations, the planet's surface, and other systems. These ships include Imperial military craft, corporate and private freighters, all of which transport parts and technical personnel and must be security cleared before docking. While the Empire prefers to handle the repair and maintenance of the fleet itself, industry engineers may be requested for delicate repairs or system upgrades.

Bacrana Orbital Spacedock A (BOD-A)

Craft: KOY's Orbital Space Oock (050) III
Type: Orbital capital ship spacedock
Scale: Capital
Length: 1,600 meters
Crew: 5,500, gunners: 64, skeleton: 1,000/+10 (no drydock operations)
Crew Skill: Capital ship gunnery 4D, capital ship shields 4D, sensors 4D
Passengers: 500
Consumables: 1 month
Cost: Not available for sale
Space: Immobile
Hull: 7D
Shields: 5D


  • 8 Turbolaser Batteries
Fire Arc: Turret
Crew: 8
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 20
Space Range: 3--15/35/75


Positioned in a geostationary orbit above Bacrana, the Bacrana Orbital Spacedock A(or BOD-A) is a recently completed Kuat Drive Yards spacedock. BOD-A provides facilities for repairing and overhauling capital ships up to 600 meters in length, plus additional bays for smaller ships. The station consists of two large drydocks (which are joined into one unit for ships over 300 meters long), numerous freighter hangars, space barge hangars, and includes living quarters for dock personnel.

Normally, long term overhauls and repairs (taking from one to six months) are performed in Dock-1, while Dock-2 is reserved for shorter repair jobs. However, because of changing priorities, maintenance scheduling, and the unexpected arrival of damaged ships, the dock often adjusts its normal procedures.

Source: Flashpoint! Brak Sector (page 43)