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Terran Confederation "Paradigm" Destroyer / Escort

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Terran Confederation Paradigm Class Destroyer Escort.jpg

Name: Paradigm Class
Craft: Terran Confederation Paradigm Class Destroyer Escort
Type: medium destroyer
Scale: capital
Skill: capital ship pilot
Crew: 150
Skeleton Crew: 23/+10
Passengers: 32 & 105 prisoners
Cargo Capacity: 1,280 cubic meters
Consumables: 21 months
Cost: 52,750,798 credits
Jump Drive: x1
Back-up Jump Drive: x10
Nav Computer: yes
Maneuverability: 3D+1
Space: 2
Atmosphere: 225; 650 kmh
Hull: 3D
Shields: 6D+1 (starfighter scale)

  • Passive: 40/1D
  • Scan: 100/2D
  • Search: 200/3D
  • Focus: 4/4D


  • 1 Civilian Grade Ionic Pulse Cannon
Fire Arc: forward
Crew: 1
Scale: starfighter
Skill: starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-10/20/40
Atmosphere Range: 100-1,000/2,000/4,000m
Rate of fire: 4
Damage: 3D+2
  • 3 Civilian Grade Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: 3 partial turrets
Crew: 1
Scale: starfighter
Skill: starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-13/25/50
Atmosphere Range: 100-1,300/2,500/5,000m
Rate of fire: 5
Damage: 3D
  • 3 Civilian Grade Mass Driver Cannons
Fire Arc: 3 partial turrets
Crew: 1
Scale: starfighter
Skill: starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-10/20/40
Atmosphere Range: 100-1,000/2,000/4,000m
Rate of fire: 2
Damage: 1D+2
  • 2 Civilian Grade Meson Blasters
Fire Arc: forward
Crew: 1
Scale: starfighter
Skill: starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-10/20/40
Atmosphere Range: 100-1,000/2,000/4,000m
Rate of fire: 3
Damage: 3D+1
  • 2 Civilian Grade Tachyon Guns
Fire Arc: forward
Crew: 1
Scale: starfighter
Skill: starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-8/15/30
Atmosphere Range: 100-800/1,500/3,000m
Rate of fire: 3
Damage: 5D
  • 2 Light Ordnance Tubes
Fire Arc: forward
Crew: 1
Skill: starship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
  • Light Dumb Fire (DF) Missile
Scale: starfighter
Space Range: 1-10/20/80
Atmosphere Range: 100-1,000/2,000/8,000m
Ammo: 10 per tube
Rate of fire: 1
Damage: 4D+1
  • Light Heat Seeker (LHS) Missile
Scale: starfighter
Space Range: 1-30/60/90
Atmosphere Range: 100-3,000/6,000/9,000m
Ammo: 1 per tube
Rate of fire: 1
Damage: 5D+1
  • Civilian Grade Image Recognition (IR) Missile
Scale: starfighter
Space Range: 1-30/60/90
Atmosphere Range: 100-3,000/6,000/9,000m
Ammo: 2 per tube
Rate of fire: 1
Damage: 5D+2
  • Electronic Counter Measure Module
Fire Arc: all
Crew: 1
Skill: sensors
Space Range: 1-13/25/50
Atmosphere Range: 1-25/50/100km
Effects: Enemy Sensors and Fire Control -5D
  • Tractor Beam
Fire Arc: all
Crew: 5
Scale: capital
Skill: capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-7/14/21
Atmosphere Range: 2-14/28/42km
Strength: 7D


  • Matter/Anti-Matter Reactor
  • Akwende Drive
  • Morvan Drive
  • External Docking Port: 2
  • Hospital Module: Fully equipped hospital with 42 beds.
  • Emergency Stasis Unit: Can place the entire crew into stasis for an indefinite amount of time, provided it has power.
  • Ramscoop
  • Escape Pod: 112
  • Hanger Bay Module: 207,600 cubic meters of area flight deck
  • Carrier Systems: Ship can launch and receive 2 carrier ships every 6 rounds.

Ship Complement

  • F-38 Talon Light Fighters: 12
  • F-71 Stiletto Light Fighters: 12
  • A-17/C Broadsword Very Heavy Fighters: 2

Description: The Paradigm is one of the Confederations most advanced destroyers. Featuring almost impregnable armor and shields, it more than compensates for its lack of speed and maneuverability. The Paradigm also has a deadly array of weapons at its disposal, making an attack of any sort extremely dangerous. It carries an astonishing variety of blasters, ranging from meson blasters to ionic pulse cannon. Multiple missiles can deter even the most aggressive Kilrathi aces.

Source: thedemonapostle; The Wing Commander Role Playing Game (page 400)